Friday, August 20, 2021

Will President Biden Resign Because Of The Disaster In Afghanistan?

WNU Editor: They say that the US Presidency ages the person. From what I have seen in the past few weeks, the Afghan crisis has certainly taken its toll on President Biden. 

He did not look good in the ABC News interview, and his focus went off the rails at the end of his interview that has been noticed by others (see Tucker Carlson at the end of this video .... Tucker: ABC news appears to edit portions that made Biden look 'unpresidential'). 

It is with all of these events unfolding that I had a mental flash this evening that he is going to resign soon. 

Maybe by Christmas 2021 or spring 2022. 

And it is not because he and the people around him want to. 

On the contrary. He does want to be an active President.

He will resign because he will no longer be capable of handling the office of the President. 

What do you think?


Alex said...

30 days ago I would have said absolutely not...but given how things look today it is possible you are right...AND that is without considering how much worse things may yet get.

Unknown said...

Agreed. He'll be well gone by the end of 2022. Then it's President cackling Kamala for 2 to 3 years. It'll be interesting to see what a map of the world will look like in 2024. Will Taiwan be a part of Communist China? Will Israel be a pile of radioactive ash? Keep ducking 🙈

RussInSoCal said...

The resignation of Biden would be the equivalent of a Neon Green Light for every enemy of the US to launch whatever plan they've been cooking up.

If Biden resigns and installs Kamala Harris into the presidency, we could almost immediately find ourselves watching "President Kamala Harris" surrender to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

We would see her become invisible during an Iranian strike on Israel. Russia/Ukraine. The widening AFG disaster. US non-borders. Inflation, etc...

And count in three or four other simultaneous geopolitical earthquakes that no one has thought of yet.

/Or the Biden Pageant remains in office for a full term.



Anonymous said...

These idiots here claiming the vaccines don't work and that the government is lying to us. Humbug, I say! Governments never lie and have never conducted experiments on humans. Not the Nazis, not the Americans, not the Chinese, not the Russians LOL

Anonymous said...

first Trump is to installed in August and rightful winner of election. Now Biden to resign.

IF HE WERE TO GO, THERE IS KAMALA...that makes you happy right?

MAGA cowed Trump on Afghanistan

Anonymous said...

Anyone could link to extragoodshit, anyone including a foreign troll. Is there difference between a Russian troll and Lapides? I see none.

Actually Kamala would be better, but not for the reasons you think.

Anonymous said...

"What's Wrong With Joe? Biden Calls a Lid on Public Appearances—Indefinitely"

Old Joe retired on Active duty (ROAD program).

Anonymous said...

For those who don't understand what's going on and feel confused about the vaccines and the lockdowns.

Let me tell you something.

It is a marxist global coup.

I know, I know.. Hard to believe... Hear me out.

Don't you find it odd that walls became suddenly racist?

Weird, right?

It's not weird if you understand what globalists want.

Globalists, a mixture of neo-Marxist capitalists, want the great reset. And they want to rule us in a CCP style surveilance and control grid, and become basically neo-feudalists ruling over us all.

Don't believe me?

Here, the official World Economic forum statement from 2016, right when trump - a nationalist - was about to get into office (based on early polling):

Then they proclaimed "you will own nothing and be happy" (or else)

The BLM movement - a terrorist group backed and bailed out and financed by neo-marxist interest groups (Davos, Soros etc) and the Democrats - declared they are "trained marxist" and want to end the nuclear structure of the family (ie they want the state to indocrinate and raise your children)

Why do you think this all goes on?

Why do you think AOC proclaims the World will end in 12 years and we shouldn't have any children?

Why do you think women start bleeding after taking the vaccine?

Why do you think Bill Gates proposed just a couple years ago to use vaccines to reduce the human population?

Why do you think we have been trained through terror in our streets (BLM, Antifa) who killed 30+ people AND been trained like pavlovian dogs to not speak out because of years of cancel culture mobs targeting any nationalists, patriots or people who are not for Marxism/the Democrats?

Why do you think Warren Buffet just a few weeks ago hailed Marxism and the CCP?

Why do you think Trudeau on record hailed the communist system they have in China?

Why do you think Afghanistan happened?

Why do you think people who voice concerns over lockdown measures or the election are now targeted as "terrorists"?

Why do you think they build concentration camps? I mean "covid" camps?

Wake up guys, they are going for it.

fazman said...

If this disaster was trumps the media and democrats would hang him

Anonymous said...

Apologies, trump just got into office, it was the first few months of his first trum

He did win the election for his second term(obviously) but the deep state, together with the Democrats agreed on a neoMarxist system, and end nation states as you know it

And they justify it of course

Like global cooling or global warming or climate change or because of the 4th industrial revolution..we all should eat bugs and not fly anymore, except the leaders of this Marxist movement of course...

And they're also the ones that attack your constitution which cannot survive in this new system, especially articles 1-3

So of course the CDC violates the constitution and the 3rd amendment(housing) which will lead to a neo Marxist system

Small business owners: destroyed
Small house owners: destroyed

Mega corporations run by neoMarxists: doing great

Guys please wake up

Anonymous said...

845 is out of control, not only does he post links to his website, extragoodshit or whatever, he then looks manually at his visitors and spies what they look at... there's laws you're breaking right now, Fred, you know that right? Jesus, this guy... typical Democrat

Anonymous said...

"MAGA cowed Trump on Afghanistan"

1) Lapides you linked your site.

2) Your syntax was apparent.

So yes we are pretty sure it was you. You made all your typical and identifiable mistakes. Sure those mistakes of logic and grammar could be, but why would a person want to?

Anonymous said...

Just stay clear of this guy and don't engage with him either. Fred is sick and just scary by now.. he's like the last guy to understand where this all leads and proudly defends this leftist treasonous murderous scum that gleefully locks you down and takes your wealth and redistributed it for equity under this neoMarxist takeover..he will be the last one to realise what's going on.. it's sad

But then again, every chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and that's Fred alright

Anonymous said...

Biden is not fully engaged with reality. He won’t- at his own initiative-resign. He’ll just disappear into the basement and his staff will run everything in his name. Imagine the infighting for position. Kamala won’t be allowed anywhere near the decision making “process,”

Anonymous said...

Anon at 930.. I wish that was true
But.. we are living through a Marxist takeover that uses racial and gender and other class teachings to divide us.
Do you think a black woman who had the lowest polling is becoming president by accident?
While they build construction camps..

While the CDC is in violation of the constitution and destroys the economy further through its edicts@housing

Nope... I don't know what her role will be, but I can tell you, if the military truly does go along with the neoMarxist coup, we are secretly fcked... I mean mass death

Anonymous said...

Concentration camps, not construction..