Thursday, September 2, 2021

52% Of U.S. Voters Think President Biden Should Resign Over Afghanistan Withdrawal

U.S. President Joe Biden speaks about jobs and the economy at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 7, 2021. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque  

Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner: Resign now: 52% want Biden out but fear worse under Harris 

People have seen enough of President Joe Biden and his administration’s bumbling over the Afghan withdrawal and now want him to resign. 

In the latest shocking display of the president’s polling free fall, the latest Rasmussen Reports survey found that a majority, 52%, wants Biden to resign over the withdrawal alone. 

Just 39% disagrees, far short of his political base. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The Vice President's numbers are even worse .... Where Is Vice President Kamala Harris? (September 2, 2021). It is also revealing that the main stream media is avoiding doing this type of polls. My guess is that they already know what the response will be.


Anonymous said...

tip: presidents do no resign because polling numbers on a specific issue are not great. That is not how democracy works

as for Kamala, she is busy addressing the Afghanistan and Texas abortion issues, for which see Twitter. as the bible sayeth: look and thou shalt see

Anonymous said...

Tear down msm.

Anonymous said...

The Race to Inherit Trump’s MAGA Base Is Already On—And the Knives Are Out

Anonymous said...

Ah the poor thing is so upset. It gave a link of what it thinks is bad news for Republicans.

It might think a lot and blow a gasket it think too much, but the thinking is more akin to venting waste heat into outer space than anything of worth.

Some talk show hosts in the 3rd seed of Talkers Magazine ranking are of the opinion that De De Santis is better than Trump. De Santis is Trump but younger and without the "mean" tweets that upset the foul mouthed Democrats.

Democrats realize that De Santis is effective so Democrats outside of Florida are already trying to take him down. If Democrats spent 10% of that fury on the Taliban they would have been defeat 15 years ago.

If Trump wins fine. If De Santis wins fine. Unlike Democrats Conservatives do not have the anointed.

11:54 aka Fred has to grow up.

Anonymous said...

To be fair, at this point in Trumps presidency he had already been convicted (by all political opponents and the MSM) of being a Russian agent, so I'd say Biden is doing pretty good.

Jac said...

Only 52%???

Anonymous said...

that is Rasmussen. always an outlier among more respected polling. Is it by chance that it is always Rasmussen rather than more respected polls are ignored in citing such "facts"?

Anonymous said...

"respected polls" see 2016 and 2020 election poll discrepancies....

Anonymous said...

Liar @ 1:48

President Job Approval

-08 NPR/PBS/Marist
-14 Rassmussen
-14 USA Today/Suffolk

Pollsters in the tank for Democrats will only lie so much and for so long. They realize they cannot lie all the time by great amounts and still sell newspapers, magazines and air time.

You fixation with Rasmussen makes me think you are the local village idiot. You would do anything for the team wouldn't you including slurping effluent at body temperature. In fact you salivated just a little reading this.

Anonymous said...

better than drinking the horse shit that right-wingers gulping now rather than Schlitz for their virus

Anonymous said...

For months now, we all thought we knew that the bogus Arizona audit was a clown show. But a new data dump of more than 22,000 emails, texts, and documents show just how wild it really was.

On Tuesday the Arizona Senate finally complied with a court order to hand over its private communications with the people involved in running the audit. The massive trove includes communications that suggest former President Trump wanted to fund it, that Trump’s allies were involved from the start, and that conspiracy theorists involved in the recount worried about threats from antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Oh, and workers were paid as much as $125 an hour.

The Senate was forced to hand over the documents following a public records lawsuit brought by American Oversight, a group of former Obama administration officials set up to investigate the Trump administration.

But the Senate has withheld 2,500 of the most sensitive documents, citing legislative and attorney-client privilege, which include almost all direct communications with Cyber Ninjas and its CEO Doug Logan.

The bogus recount began in April and was expected to take 16 days to complete. In the end the recount didn’t finally finish until late July. The report was due to be presented to the Senate last week, but it’s been delayed for at least several more weeks after Logan and several colleagues contracted COVID-19.

The recount, conducted despite several previous audits showing no widespread voter fraud in Maricopa County, has become a lightning rod for Republicans and conspiracy theorists across the country who believe that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump.

Here are some of the most stunning revelations:
Trump’s Plot to Steal Arizona Was Even Wilder Than We Thought

Anonymous said...

Millions of Americans refuse to get a safe and effective vaccine and ingest horse de-wormer instead.

Lots of rubes, dipsticks, and dunderheads in America, WNU.

Anonymous said...


Let's get down to brass tacks. You are a fuck.

Moving on.

Ivermectin is not a livestock dewormer. It is a dewormer period. People use it to for deworming. The biological pathway in which it kills helminths is well known.

How it helps with a virus instead of a worm, I know not and neither do you. It is known that India has used it to good effect. That is enough to satisfy an engineer, but not is scientist. There are things engineers know empirically that work, but it is not known to the last iota how it works theoretically. India has shown the effectiveness of ivermectin. Maybe their data is flawed. Maybe. I do know that American medicine is skewed by big pharma, politicians and others.

I stick with the Indians. I had a lot of Indian classmates and coworkers. Liberals not so much.

Anonymous said...

3:36 / 3:37 la artiste

Do not drink Schlitz. Try Stella Artois. Killian Red, Guinness, Modelo, Leinen Kugel and others.

"In 1982, there were competing bids for ownership of the Schlitz brand. The Stroh Brewery Company of Detroit, Michigan beat out Pabst and Heileman by bidding for 67 percent of Schlitz. "

"Although it has fallen from its former title as one of America's most popular beers, the Schlitz brand is still alive today remains a sentimental favorite in the Midwest."

Actually 6:36 / 6:37 I like you. You make everyone look like a genius compared to yourself.