Saturday, September 11, 2021

9/11 Heroes Welcome Former President Trump At NYPD's 17th Precinct In Midtown Manhattan


Daily Mail: Trump thanks NYPD and FDNY officers on 20th anniversary of 9/11 having decided NOT to make his own solo trip to Ground Zero after Clinton, Obama and Biden attended ceremony for families 

* Donald Trump surprised officers at NYPD's 17th Precinct in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, Saturday 

* He posed for photos with a group of cops and held a brief question and answer session 

* Trump said very little about America's darkest day when almost 3,000 Americans were killed 

* He took aim at Joe Biden over the 'embarrassment' of his Afghanistan withdrawal, pushed his claim the 2020 election was 'rigged' and plugged his 2024 White House run 

* Biden was joined by former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama at Ground Zero Saturday morning 

* Former President George W. Bush, a Republican, spoke at the Flight 93 memorial site in Shanksville 

Donald Trump paid a visit to NYPD and FDNY officers on the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, shunning a trip to Ground Zero - one day after reports claimed he would visit the site. 

The former president surprised officers at NYPD's 17th Precinct in East Midtown in Manhattan, New York City, Saturday afternoon where he posed for photos with a group of cops and held a brief question and answer session. 

Trump said very little about America's darkest day when almost 3,000 Americans were killed in four coordinated attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a fourth plane which went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Read more ....  

Update #1: Trump pays tribute to 9/11 during visit to New York police precinct, hints at 2024 run (FOX News) 

Update #2: Trump hits Biden, vows 'America will be made great again' in 9/11 remembrance (Washington Examiner)  

WNU Editor: A lot of surprised cops and spectators.


Jac said...

That is not the good time to be controversial.

Anonymous said...

He attended the ceremony and all he did was politicise it.

Anonymous said...

Was the zipper in front?

Andrew Jackson said...

The real President.

Anonymous said...

sure. and you are a real andy jackson. Not

Anonymous said...

"He attended the ceremony and all he did was politicise it."

The press politicized along with the Democrat presidents and ex-presidents. There s a picture of Clinton, Obama and Dementia.. If they had wanted to, the Dems could have got a picture of with Bush with those three. They did not want it.

Former president Bush politicized it when he said "violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home"

The FBI classified The Fort Hood shooter as home grown and not Islamic. So the FBI and Bush agree it was terrorism. Obama on the other hand called it work place violence, so he is still out to lunch (like Joe Biden).

Every bit of the 911 commemoration, where any current or former presidents was, was political.

Every commemoration will be in the future as along as the Beltway lies.

Anonymous said...

Only you would look and care!

Anonymous said...

Trump IS the real president, you can bet on it. Those demons on the left barely even qualify as human, how come demons are even allowed to run for office? I thought it was humans only?!

Anonymous said...

who sleeps in the White House?
Who just passed exec orders?
who, then,is the president?

Anonymous said...

An illegitimate, degenerate sleeps in the White House. It will be for 4 years or less. Lots of illegitimate kings sat on the thrown of England during the War of the Roses. History is rhyming. Now we have illegitimate presidents in the Oval Office. Sure like the kings of old they have a goon squad.

Did you like how that moron Biden took off his mask at the 911 memorial service to scream at someone like a jackass. Spewed COVID germs everywhere.

SOTUS is coming up. Will it be prerecorded having been taped over a long, exasperating week long effort beforehand?

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Keep clutching Biden to your bosom, lololololololo!

Anonymous said...

Let's stop pretending Trump was so much better

Sure, the economy was fit as fck
Sure, he was way more fun to watch

BUT, they were still stealing from you, AND, he did authorize the emergency thingy and left it standing before leaving office (although technically he was still president, .. you know what? Fck Biden! Trump was way better :D)

He would have kicked the Taliban's ass too
It would still be a highly immorale and wrong war to conduct, but hey at least with Trump it's fun to go to hell LOL

Anonymous said...

How could Trump have kicked the Taliban's ass, when they all hid in Pakistan under Imran Khan's skirt or crawl up his ass, so the US cannot get to them?

If Trump had not authorized the emergency thingy, Congress would have staged a coup. The "It bleeds it leads" people made sure the people were panicked.