Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Brazilians Ignore Social Distancing In The Middle Of The Pandemic

WNU Editor: No social distancing here.


Anonymous said...

WNU, haven't you caught on?
Events like this are only super spreader events if the participants vote the wrong way

BLM marches - totally fine
Trump rallies - super spreaders

Brought to you by the liars and dividers hiding behind "press choir" credentials. The for hire reputational assassins over at CNN.

When these people hang, I know that freedom has been restored.

What they have done over the years. Pushed wars, pushed drugs, now they push the vaccine passports and the tyranny that comes with it.

These people.
They are demons. I am sure of it. In human form, but the outcome is the same. Name one TV network in human history that has caused as much misery, division, pain and death around this World than the ghouls working at CNN.

Name one.

Anonymous said...

And it's not just that they push unsafe drugs, they silence the scientists AND THEN, on top they tell you ivermectin doesn't work and mock the people who take it as being idiots

Joe Rogan took it and got covid and recovered in 3 days

There's now hundreds of studies on the efficacy in early treatment

This lie, this suppression of information alone has caused the spread of covid and with it the death.. maybe, depending on how you count, this alone killed tens of thousands.

And they smile at you while they do it. Demonic mass-murdering, life ending psychopaths.

B.Poster said...

Anon (11:05)

Your first two paragraphs are spot on. It's become impossible to take these people seriously.

RussInSoCal said...

Barry Manilow - Copacabana (At The Copa) Arista Records 1978


Anonymous said...

OMFG The horror of people enjoying life in the midst of a "pandemic" that is LESS deadly than the common flu!!!

Anonymous said...

A look back at the never-ending nature of epidemics