Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Was Hit By Gravel On The Campaign Trail


Daily Mail: 'This is not who we are as a country' Canadian PM Justin Trudeau slams 'anti-vaxxer mobs' after they pelted GRAVEL at him - and condemns the violence that mask-wearers and healthcare workers face daily 

* Canadian PM Justin Trudeau blasted Ontario 'anti-vaxxer mobs' who pelted him 

* He was attacked with gravel by angry anti-vax hecklers during a rally on Monday 

* PM Trudeau is lagging behind conservatives ahead of the September 20 election 

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has slammed a mob of anti-vaxxers after they heckled and pelted him with gravel while on the campaign trail in Ontario on Monday. 

He branded the violence 'completely unacceptable' and said 'this is not who were are as a country'. Trudeau skirted suggestions the attack constituted assault but said it was 'unacceptable for people to be throwing things and endangering others at a political rally'. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: President Biden is also being dodged by protesters .... Joe's charm offensive gets blown off course: New Jersey locals heckle 'despicable' Biden as he tours neighborhood wrecked by Hurricane Ida floods - after MAGA protesters greeted him at airport (Daily Mail). 

More News On Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Being Hit By Gravel On The Campaign Trail  

Trudeau says he was hit by gravel, condemns rock throwing as ‘unacceptable’ -- Global News  

Canada: anti-vaxxers hit Justin Trudeau with a handful of gravel -- The Guardian/Reuters  

Justin Trudeau hit by stones on campaign trail -- BBC  

Canada's Trudeau Hit by Gravel on Campaign Trail Dogged by Anti-Vax Hecklers -- Reuters


Anonymous said...

What do they expect? Smiles and cheers? I'm from Jersey kindly fuck off Joe

Anonymous said...

Tired, sad, old, chalet-owning reactionaries unite!

Anonymous said...

It is uncalled for and unwise.

It is unwise, because Trudeau and his people will use it for propaganda as much as they can.

Maybe we are closer to revolution than we think. People face the prospect of arrest and very hard times. Cameras are ubiquitous. On a scale of 1 to 10, heckling might be a .5, Mass shouting at a politicians might be a 1 or 1.5. Throwing rotten fruit might be a 2 throwing gravel is 2.5 or 3. Revolution is a 10.

Throw in that the side dong it is not the left and will be preyed upon by the Left so translate all score upward by 1.

Gun control will not prevent a revolution. It will only put it off for a time. People will use government guns and government employees will switch. I find it odd that people taking poly sci, IR, JDs, history, sociology or psych do not hit the books as much as people who want to get PhDs in the field and use quantitative methods. It is a mistake. I would say they mental calculations suffers from the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

It doesn't mean that their calculations are necessarily all wrong when they can stuff ballot boxes, but as the system breaks down and becomes more banana Republic their latitude is diminished.

On a 10 scale Canada is at 1.5 to 3. Normally the nation is at 0 to 1. The system is non- linear so Trudeau should not assume he has a lot of cushion from 3 to 10.

If you can predict war with stats and some people do, you can predict social unrest and revolution. Some people do that now. The USG does it in Carolina and Joe and the rest of the Dunning Kruger crowd do not listen

Anonymous said...

Trudeau and the rest of the great reset and lockdown and vaccine passport and unsafe drug pushers should hang!! Gravel is the kindest thing they could throw at him

Anonymous said...

5 comments and 2 trolls at 7:10 (Badger the Editor Troll) and 7:35 (Hang'em High Troll, because LOL the government does not monitor the internet)

The lil focker 7:35 is trying to set people off, so they get rounded up. Gets a bonus if he succeeds. 7:35 will do anything to get ahead including sucking one.

Anonymous said...

Are you retarded?
Speaking out against evil is wrong?
I'm talking about putting them in front of a judge and jury. Nothing illegal.
But if I'm right, and I think I am, they've violated Nuremberg codes (death penalty!) Betrayed our trust, conspired against us and the nation states they represent, are involved in the largest wealth transfer in recorded human history and want to abolish your and my rights.

But you go ahead, you be quiet.

You're the type who practices goose stepping to fit in. I know your type.

Anonymous said...

Just listen to the argument

Anonymous said...

A good lie contains at their core contain the truth. Say a few things here, a few things there that are true, but use it for a greater purpose such as causing unrest in the US.

People in the US can sort things out for themselves without kind GRU assistance. So kindly fuck yourself with a butcher knife.

Anonymous said...

Listen, retard the Russia collusion was a hoax. Haven't you caught on years after? Not everyone posting here is a Russian asset and may I again respectfully point out this is an international blog not owned by Americans. So fck yourself

Anonymous said...

And the post is about Canada, fckface! Lol people like you...

Anonymous said...

The Steele Report was fake, but not the Russian buying Facebook ads ands such. So here you are again.

Anonymous said...

Facebook ads for 1,600usd you moron I spend more on my private ad campaigns
Low information voter === Democrat
Russia hoax conspiracy crack addict === Democrat

Telling people what to think and write on an international blog and accusing them of being Russian === Democrat

How come your entire act is predictable if you're so smart? You haven't figured it out? Lol go figure