Thursday, September 2, 2021

Defying The Biden Administration, U.S. House Committee Backs $25 Billion Increase In Defense Spending

The United States Capitol is shown at night. Photo via the Architect of the Capitol on Twitter. 

Politico: House panel backs $24B Pentagon budget boost, defying Biden 

The committee voted to boost the budget topline of the annual National Defense Authorization Act in a 42-17 vote during its marathon markup of the military policy legislation. 

The House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday voted to endorse a nearly $24 billion increase to the Pentagon budget, delivering another bipartisan rebuke to President Joe Biden’s military spending plan. 

The committee voted to boost the budget topline of the annual National Defense Authorization Act in a 42-17 vote during its marathon markup of the military policy legislation. 

The Senate Armed Services Committee endorsed a similar increase this summer.  

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WNU Editor: The committee voted 42 - 17 in favor of the extra boost. I expect more defense budget increases in the future. The shock of the U.S. military defeat in Afghanistan is only starting to be felt in Washington, and it has unnerved everyone.

More News On The U.S. House Committee Backing An Extra $25 Billion Increase In Defense Spending  

14 Dems break ranks, sign onto GOP measure to increase defense spending by nearly $25B -- FOX News  

U.S. House committee backs $25 billion increase in defense spending -- Reuters  

HASC Votes To Increase Defense Budget By $23.9 Billion -- Breaking Defense  

House committee's bipartisan vote rejects Biden's Pentagon budget, ups military spending by $25B -- Washington Times  

HASC Approves Defense Budget Increase, Space National Guard -- Air Force Magazine  

Democrats break ranks to back $24 billion boost to Pentagon budget -- Daily News  

Defense spending increase, Afghanistan withdrawal dominate debate over defense policy measure -- Defense News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

of course
Ike warned about this military/industrial complex. Itdumps huge sums of money to various states for employment etc.

who needs health care or infrastructure fixes?