Thursday, September 2, 2021

U.S. House Armed Services Committee Vote To Require Women To Register For The Draft

Women would be required to register with the Selective Service System under a proposal approved by the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday. (Chief Master Sgt. Jaimee Freeman/Air Force)  

Politico: House panel backs requiring women to register for the draft 

The House Armed Services Committee vote follows a similar vote in the Senate to expand the Selective Service System to include women. 

The House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday voted to require women to register for the military draft, making the change one step closer to becoming law after senators endorsed the move this summer. 

During late night deliberations on the committee's annual defense policy bill, lawmakers voted 35-24 to adopt an amendment from Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.) to expand registration for the Selective Service System beyond men. 

The move caps off a contentious debate and could stir up conservative opposition to the National Defense Authorization Act, which authorizes defense spending and lays out military policy. 

Several Republicans broke ranks to help Democrats to adopt the amendment.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: House panel backs making women register for draft (The Hill)  

Update #2: ‘We need everybody’: Plans to make women register for potential military draft advance in policy bill (Military Times)  

WNU Editor: I expect this motion will be passed by Congress and signed by President Biden in the coming months.


Anonymous said...

Id love to read the study that indicates that female fighting forces are a good idea. Infact id love to read the study that inclusive fighting forces are a good idea. From my understanding of WW2, segragated units based on country, race and gender allowed some of the most heroic deeds, from breaking enigma to defending bombers heading to Berlin.

While following conflicts, such as vietnam suffered from many instances of friendly fire and ultimately resulted in defeat. From large scale drug use, low moral and an inability to fight, there is the obvious fact that putting woman on the front line annilates and countires ability to rebuild after the death of so many.

Id honestly prefer woman stay at home, work in the factories then fight and die on the front line, for each woman that dies, we are looking at exponential growth of her offsping lost. Each and every death is not just the death of one person, its the death of 3, 9, 28, 84 in just a few generations.

Andrew Jackson said...

Female soldiers are worthless!

Anonymous said...

What happened to breed em, feed em, lead em.

Anonymous said...

You lads seem to miss the point!
1. if sexual equality is right, then a draft should apply to both sexes.
2. that does not mean that women would have to go into combat
3. if men and women are to be drafted, then Congress is much likely to get us into wars, ie Afghanistan etc.
4. there is a difference between registering for a draft and enacting a draft

Anonymous said...

It's what the feminists wanted, not so much the more conservative / traditional females. As usual these days, the more vociferous side wins.