Monday, September 6, 2021

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair Says Islamism Remains First-Order Security Threat To The West


Daily Mail: Tony Blair takes a swipe at Joe Biden as he says the US withdrawal from Afghanistan will give the West's enemies 'a belief our time is over' 

* Tony Blair today took a swipe at Joe Biden over US withdrawal from Afghanistan 

* Ex-PM said US decided it has a 'very limited appetite for military engagement' 

* Withdrawal from global stage will give 'opponents a belief our time is over' 

Tony Blair today took a swipe at Joe Biden as he said the US withdrawal from Afghanistan will embolden the West's enemies and give them a 'belief our time is over'. 

The former prime minister said 'it is clear now' the US has decided that for the 'foreseeable future' it has a 'very limited appetite for military engagement'. 

Mr Blair suggested Europe and NATO should therefore 'develop the capability to act' when the US is 'unwilling'.  

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More News On Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair  

Islamism remains first-order security threat to west, says Tony Blair -- The Guardian  

Watch: ‘We need boots on the ground’ to remove terror threat, says Tony Blair -- Euronews 

CHEMICAL WARFARE Terrorists could use deadly bioweapons to attack Britain after Covid, warns Tony Blair -- The SUN  

Former UK PM Blair warns West should prepare for bio-terrorism threat -- Reuters 

‘First order security threat’ akin to revolutionary communism: Afghan war didn’t solve radical Islam, Tony Blair says -- RT  

Tony Blair: West needs to figure out how to deal with 'radical Islam' without US -- SKY News


Unknown said...

Ask yourself this. If Islam is such a threat, why are young Muslim men being allowed to enter western countries by the hundreds & thousands? Why has the Democratic party allowed thousands of unvetted young men from Afghanistan the USA? These politicians don't make sense. They say one thing but do another. Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...

What Unknown said ^^^^^

B.Poster said...

Indeed, what Unknkwn said. If the leadership class believed this as I do, the first order of business would've been an indefinite ban on all immigration from Islamic countries. This would've allowed us the breathing space to set up a proper immigration system that allows us to properly vet who enters our country. After all it makes little sense to allow people who don't like you to have unfettered access to your house.

Hans Persson said...

Wow, Blair has not aged well..

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