Monday, September 6, 2021

Coup In Guinea -- News Updates September 6, 2021


The Guardian: Guinea president held in military detention, say army coup leaders 

International community condemns takeover but many in impoverished west African country welcome it 

Guinea’s president, Alpha Condé, is being held in military detention, according to an elite unit of the army who have led a coup condemned by the international community but welcomed by many in Guinea. 

The coup leader and head of the country’s special forces, Col Mamadi Doumbouya, announced in state broadcasts on Sunday that the country’s constitution had been suspended, the government dissolved and the borders closed, with a 24-hour curfew imposed.  

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Coup In Guinea -- News Updates September 6, 2021

Guinea's new junta leaders seek to tighten grip on power -- AP 

Guinea’s coup leaders vow to form ‘union’ government, respect business deals -- France 24  

Guinean military officer says President Alpha Conde arrested, as apparent coup unfolds -- CNN  

Elite Guinea army unit say they dissolved the government and the constitution of the West African country -- CNBC/Reuters 

Many Guineans celebrate as soldiers seize power -- Al Jazeera  

Guinea coup: Who is Col Mamady Doumbouya? -- BBC


Anonymous said...

Ok there's now enough evidence to hang the "government" in Australia for countless crimes against humanity, including violating the Nuremberg codes and creating medical apartheid

International community must immediately act and severely punish this tyrannical government and free the people of Australia from this corporate government totalitarianism

It's about time Australians lynch these tyrants

شركه نقل اثاث بجده said...

في المنطقة الوسطي نقدم خدمات نقل العفش مع الفك والتركيب والتغليف ويتم النقل في سيارات مجهزة ومؤمنة لتحميل العفش وتفادي التلفيات في الرياض والقصيم والخرج مثل
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ايضا في المنطقة الشرقية نمتلك مجموعة فروع خاصة بنقل العفش في كلا من الرياض والدمام والخبر والقطيف والجبيل والاحساء والظهران مثل
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