Thursday, September 9, 2021

Is The World Facing A Nitrogen Crisis? The Netherlands Says Yes

A dairy farm in Barneveld, the Netherlands. The Dutch government is considering ways to cut nitrogen emissions from farms to protect natural habitats and biodiversity. Photograph: Robin Utrecht/REX/Shutterstock  

The Guardian: Netherlands proposes radical plans to cut livestock numbers by almost a third 

Dutch farmers could be forced to sell land and reduce the amount of animals they keep to help lower ammonia pollution 

Dutch politicians are considering plans to force hundreds of farmers to sell up and cut livestock numbers, to reduce damaging ammonia pollution. 

After the highest Dutch administrative court found in 2019 that the government was breaking EU law by not doing enough to reduce excess nitrogen in vulnerable natural areas, the country has been battling what it is calling a “nitrogen crisis”. 

Daytime speed limits have been reduced to 100kmph (62mph) on motorways to limit nitrogen oxide emissions, gas-guzzling construction projects were halted and a new law pledges that by 2030 half of protected nature areas must have healthy nitrogen levels.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: They are now going after your beef!


Anonymous said...

They need to get fish to quit peeing in the water first.

Anonymous said...

Or Fred to quit being a gas bag!

Anonymous said...

The plan is to use things like global warming, global cooling, climate change, viruses, aliens, whatever it takes to make you poorer and them richer in comparison

They want to create a neoMarxist/neoFeudalist system in which party members and people who cheer them on and clap in agreement will get meat. You and your family will eat bugs and your daughters will give themselves up for meat and other luxuries.

If you don't see what they'r doing then God help us all

And if you don't think they've been at it for decades, using all sorts of excuses like global cooling to change society, maybe look at this 30yr old video with famous actor Leonard Nemoy (Spock, the Vulcan, the rational guy who we ought to take oh so seriously) trying to sell you the fear of global cooling, before they tried global warming and now climate change

It's always about the same things.. to lock you down, to take your wealth, to stop you from travelling.. while THEY still can do all these things.. look at that climate swine John Kerry, promoting climate lockdowns while he fcked girls a third his age and flies on private jets producing 10x the carbon emission than your commercial flight does

But that's what they want
Make you live like peasants and they won't even have to introduce prima nocte formally... women will throw themselves at these mega rich who get to fly while you can only buy bugs for your family for dinner


Here's that Hollywood tool selling you the fear of global COOLING

Anonymous said...

European countries keep adding refugees and thus people. Of course there is going to be more nitrogen.

If they kept their population steady, there would not be a problem. Can't do that with high taxes and immigration.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or Fred to quit being a gas bag!

September 9, 2021 at 9:25 AM


Anonymous said...

You're not just a liar but a gasbag too! Lololololololo!

Anonymous said...

MOMMY's TIT? Does someone have issues. Were they bottle fed?

Anonymous said...

Liar and gasbag. Of course he has issues, especially with male ex-students!

Anonymous said...

because you know and will now give your evidence, which of course you can not, and which, if you were not anon--a hideout--would make you open to libel charges.
if you think I am not straight, ask your sister.

Anonymous said...

So you cheated on your wife? How many times and which wife? All of them?