Friday, September 3, 2021

President Biden Orders Declassification Of Sept. 11 Investigation Documents

NBC: Biden orders declassification of Sept. 11 investigation documents  

The order lays out specific timelines over the next six months for the release of the documents with some set to be released as early as next week’s 20th anniversary of the terror attack. 

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden is ordering the widespread declassification of information collected during the U.S. investigation of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks following growing pressure to do so from family members of the victims. 

The order lays out specific timelines over the next six months for the release of the documents, with some set to be released as early as next week’s 20th anniversary of the terror attacks. 

Information should only remain classified if its release would pose a clear national security risk, and shouldn't remain classified “in order to conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error or to prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency.” 

“Information collected and generated in the United States Government's investigation of the 9/11 terrorist attacks should now be disclosed, except when the strongest possible reasons counsel otherwise,” Biden said in an executive order directing the declassification.  

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WNU Editor: President Biden was warned by 9/11 families that if he did not declassify these documents, he would not be invited to this year's 9/11 remembrance ceremonies. The optics of not being invited and with the Taliban and its Al Qaeda allies now back in control of Afghanistan .... this would be beyond terrible. 

There is though a caveat to this release ....

 ....   Information should only remain classified if its release would pose a clear national security risk, and shouldn't remain classified “in order to conceal violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error or to prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency.”


Anonymous said...

That's the first thing he's done that I can get behind

In reality, there will be massive classifications remaining, my guess is they (cia etc) will also ignore his orders because they know he didn't mean it, and even if there ever were an investigation and if there ever were someone found guilty of violating his orders, nothing will happen aside from a Congress spectacle for TV.

Anonymous said...

does your statement mean you want American troops to remain in Afghanistan for another 20 years and you do not approve of all the FEMA help he is giving to Louisiana and other states whacked by the recent storm and you do not approve of the financial aid given businesses and citizens in this pandemic and do not like the feds rushing equipment to hospitals that have run out of needed stuff?

Anonymous said...

"you do not approve of the financial aid given businesses and citizens in this pandemic "

The Feds took away with mandates and then gave back with the net result that many businesses folded. Some victory.

"does your statement mean you want American troops to remain in Afghanistan for another 20 years"

You are conflating two things on purpose. When people conflate things like that they are usually lying.

You arec0nflating with the goal, of leaving Afghanistan with his actual retreat planning and execution, which was is poor.

"you do not approve of all the FEMA help he is giving to Louisiana and other states whacked by the recent storm"

Are you nuts? Are you a liar? Any president would allow FEMA to operate.

"does[sic] your statement mean ..."

If you hit the shift key, while hitting the ""D" key, you could capitalize it.

It would read

"Does your statement mean ..."

Anonymous said...

Get some 7:38!!!