Wednesday, September 8, 2021

President Biden Purges Trump Appointees On Non-Partisan Military Academy Boards

The Biden administration told 12 officials appointed by former President Trump to military service academy boards to resign or be fired on Wednesday, according to a source familiar with the order, provoking accusations that he is politicizing what should be non-partisan advisory groups.The officials include Trump's White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and former Counsellor to the President Kellyanne Conway. The boards include presidential appointees and members of Congress who are tasked with advising on everything from morale and discipline to the curriculum. The Trump appointees clockwise from top left: Sean Spicer, Retired Lt. Col H.R. McMaster, David Urban, Kellyanne Conway. Retired Gen. Jack Keane, Russ Vought, Michael Wynne, Retired Maj. Gen. Guy Swan III, John Coale, Meaghan Mobbs, Retired Col. Douglas MacGregor and Heidi Stirrup. 

Daily Mail: Biden is accused of 'politicizing and hijacking' non-partisan military boards by demanding 12 Trump appointees - including Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer - resign or be FIRED 

* The White House on Wednesday told 12 Trump-appointed officials to resign or be fired from military academy advisory boards 

* They included Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer and H.R. McMaster 

* Critics said it was a political purge, designed to hijack nonpartisan boards * Conway said: 'President Biden, I'm not resigning, but you should.' 

* Jen Psaki defended the move saying that appointees should be qualified and 'aligned with the values' of the Biden administration 

Kellyanne Conway hit back at President Biden on Wednesday after he demanded her resignation from a military service academy advisory board, saying: 'I'm not resigning but you should.' 

She was one of 12 officials appointed by President Trump told to either resign or be fired at 6pm, provoking accusations that the Biden administration was politicizing what should be non-partisan advisory groups. 

The officials include Trump's White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster as well as Conway, a former Counsellor to the President Kellyanne Conway.  

Read more .... 

Update #1: Former Trump officials like Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer are getting kicked off military academy boards (Business Insider)  

Update #2: Biden boots Trump appointees from military academy advisory boards (Military Times)  

WNU Editor: With all that is happening right now, this is what the White House is focused on. I guess the Biden administration needs to rile up its anti-Trump base right now.


Anonymous said...


Trump, just like Obama and other presidents prior, try to have "leave behind networks"

Removing them from the academy is just further sign of lies about unity and a clear indicator that they want to purge nationalists, Patriots, Christians and anyone who will give their great reset plans any trouble

Anonymous said...

"I guess the Biden administration needs to rile up its anti-Trump base right now."

I figured it gave them some opportunity for more graft and corruption. Perhaps it is a dominance display.

WNU believe it is to throw red meat to the base. Using Occam's Razor as a guide, I think WNU is correct. It will work for 2 weeks to 3 months among percentage points of the base. It is a standby of politicians and operatives. Normally this could work, but it won't this time. Too much caca is coming down the pike.

Former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster is no longer a Trump fan (Trump fans no longer like McMaster), so why get rid of him? Because the Democrat base does not know or care?

Anonymous said...

Next sweeping change in the biden administration is pink uniforms for the military.

Anonymous said...

It's what Trump should have done during his first six months in office. Unfortunately, his team was not up to the task, probably because they received precious little help in that respect from the globalist RINOs, who despised him as much as their buddies on the other side of the aisle. The Libtards, however, were never purged completely, and so will recover quite easily from the four years that Orange Man Bad was at the helm.

RussInSoCal said...

"I figured it gave them some opportunity for more graft and corruption."

No, you're wrong. The graft and corruption isn't in the Mil Academies, it's at the State U. level.

Anonymous said...

Just so you understand the multi-dimensional attack pattern that's been occuring for several years now, intensifying in frequency (and intensity) over the last years

-- Churches burning in Canada, USA, UK and France and the governments don't do shit and don't seem capable of finding out who did it: Total of 100 churches burned down in the last couple of years. A mystery.

-- Antifa: A very well funded and coordinated gang of 14-35yr olds mostly in the streets and coordinated by old school Marxists who are almost Fred's age. They have been internationally organized for decades and are active in Canada, USA, UK and France. And get this: Somehow the government can't seem to find out who they are, who funds all their equipment. And the local police is always instructed to let them go. Like magic.

See a pattern?

How about this?

-- The reanimation of the dead corpse of racism. Jessie Smollet. A gay, black Hollywood actor who pretended to be attacked by white men. This lie was propagated by CNN. Don Lemon, a black, gay racist who somehow is allowed on television despite his clear racism, is friends with Jessie Smollet and literally said on air that it's oh so typical for white men, and in what country we live in is reflected by what happened. What DID happen, on video, is that Jessie Smollet hired 2 black guys to "attack" him, who he knew. All on video. He, Jessie Smollet then walked into the police station in the middle of winter, with this rope around his neck and sat there for half an hour for show, with the noose (that he himself put around his neck) .. And that's not all of it.. he did it for money to get a raise.. and that's not all of it, he was OK with increasing race tensions, he was OK with portraying white people as bad (so was Don Lemon) and he was OK with potentially 2 white innocent men to be charged and perhaps even convicted for his crime. What happened? The Democrat AG let him go. Image if a white man did that. Do you think he would not be charged? It's such an offensive crime. It's a true hate crime and CNN was ok to propagate the lie. As always.

-- The attack by the same media group, CNN and Washington Post on the catholic school boys who wore red hats. Those monsters! (LOL)
What happened in reality: The native American got into the kids face and drummed the drum IN HIS FACE. Washington Post (jeff bezos, a globalist) was OK to propagate this lie through his newspaper for weeks. He then famously had to pay USD 500million in defamation damages. But think of why they did it. Catholic schoolboys (religion) AND trump supporters (nationalists)

See the pattern yet?

Everything the globalists do is against
a) Nation states (borders, america first, the anthem).. that's why they push kneeling during the anthem, it's about
b) Unity: They want to divide you through the lie of racism, that's why they also want to teach you your history is racist, which it isn't - every nation had slaves.. the word slave has latin roots, but there's also the SLAVIC ethymology as SLAVS were so often ENSLAVed by "moors" (the term used for a mix of mid-easterners and blacks who basically enslaves whites and other eurasians) -- in short everything they do is a lie
c) Resolve: They want to demoralize you, and those who work for them, even though you think they work for your country, do not. They work for the new system and if you don't see it, they will succeed

Anonymous said...

Van Jones then hopped on the racism band waggon, which he was already famous for during the Obama administration (and the grass roots racial equite activism he pushed), and he also defended Jessie Smollet and used it to attack the USA and portray the USA as racist country

What happened later?
Jeff Bezos gave the racist and racism pusher Van Jones 100 million USD (Van Jones! who famously said white people suffer from a "racism virus" and "need to be cured", while he - the biggest racism pusher next to Al Sharpton and Don Lemon - made his entire career on division)

See how this goes how globalists fund Antifa and Racism? Just look at how they spend their money, who they fund.. Jeff Bezos did it, George Soros constantly does it.

It's billionaires attacking nation states by destroying your history, causing division so you cannot unite at the polling box

And then Bill Gates does the rest with virii and vaccines, with Klaus Schwab and that demon Fauci

And you think Jeff Bezos got rich of hard work?
He has the biggest CIA contracts of them all, think that's coincidence that AWS now hosts all of CIA? Sure, they have great servers, but the connection is much, much deeper

And it also answers your question why the intel agencies don't do anything even though the world economic forum and Klaus Schwab on their own websites declare that they want to caputre nation states governments to then coerce them into the global great reset. They want to end nation states.

And they will tell you everything from global warming to pandemics to aliens, WHATEVER it takes

They want to abandon the consititution which enshrines God given rights making us all equal - blacks, whites, browns, hazelnut colored whatever - it is a beautiful document and now the national archive labels it as racist and offensive.


Look for it

Those who attack your history, those who undermine and pit genders against each other and confuse your children, those who attack the constitution.. they are your enemies or unknowingly work for them, through..


back to CNN, that demonic network full of sex offenders drug addicts and perverts and racism pushers who want to lecture YOU on your short comings.

They are compromised, sick perverted individuals who lie to you about wars and current treatment drugs (ivermectin) for covid19

Anonymous said...

And they attack organized religion (especially Christianity because the judeochristian value system is the foundational rock of the West, informing the magna carta, the round table of knights, the constitution, due process -- these are all inventions of Christianity/christian based nation states like the USA, where you are tried by a jury of your peers)

So they attack the catholic school boys of course, despite they knew (and saw) videos clearly showing the native American walking up to the white boy and then drumming the drum in intimidating fashion directly in his face

But it was so perfect.. a NATIVE american standing up to the white racist nationalist trump supporting catholic schoolboy... it was the perfect instrument.. that's why they IN LOCKSTEP pushed the narrative and then were even willing to pay 500USD million for pushing it so far that even judge said "screw you"

they did it with a smile. Smearing people. Smearing you. Dividing us.

That's what they want.

Last time 9/11 they saw you got together against a visible enemy.

As Trump hinted, Covid-19 is an invisible enemy. And humans, when there is an invisible enemy, attack each other when enough pressure is applied.

They know this.
That's what they want and planned for.

Their goal IS to end nation states, especially the USA
And it's not like you will not get to keep your flag pin, at first, it's a multi decade process and we have been well under way - since I noticed it first - for about 5-6 years.

My guess is that nationalists and globalists are at war with each other.
Trump was not meant to get in.
Remember when Hillary didn't admit defeat until the next morning, and then it was Tony Podesta to read a statement? Very, very unusual.

Then the Russia collusion hoax.
Maybe Russia DID help Trump to get in. I believe that more than I believe Russia - a country full of orthodox christians and jews - would work with China long term, a nation that they (the Soviet Union) saw already decades ago as such a big threat that they were close to nuke them. No. Putin is many things. Calculated. Ruthless. Smart.
But he is not a traitor to culture and his people. He would agree to a global system but not based on lies that white people are racist.
No, that's China.. China and the globalists

ANd if you look at the flow of money over the last 3 decades, always from West to East and from lower and upper middle class to the extremely wealth

From West to China
From everyone else to Globalists

Warren Buffet hailed the CCP a few weeks back
Mark Cuban defended the Chinese system
Lebrone James did it..

They are all falling in line, because they all know about the great reset.
The World Economic Forum - on their own website - talk about it. A neoMarxist future, in which YOU will own nothing and be happy, or else...

It is a neoMarxist/neoFeudalist system.. a technocracy, a merger of state and corporations, whatever you want to call it, it will enslave you, already does, and will completely devour you, physically (organ harvesting for dissidents, just like in China), lock you down, take calories from you, all in the name of global warming, or whatever it takes to lure you into this

RussInSoCal said...

Obama apparatchiks running the Biden admin, thru and thru. Complete political pogrom, like the fucking communists they are. The goal being the total ruination of our nation's military.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and they're well under way vaccinating your military. I called it out months ago, now even the governor of west virgins confirms the data on the vaccines is horrible.. they make things worse and cause long term damage.. your entire military combat fitness will drop by average 20% and you're air force is a goner due to lung issues...