Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Inauguration Ceremony For The New Taliban - Afghan Government Is Scheduled For September 11

The Taliban press conference where the new government was announced. Photograph: Anadolu Agency  

WNU Editor: Russia's Sputnik broke this news .... Sputnik: Inauguration of Afghanistan's New Government Scheduled for 11 September, Taliban Source Suggests (Sputnik). 

The Taliban have invited Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and Qatar to attend the inaugural ceremony. 

And yes .... the date has been chosen to troll the U.S.. 

Especially since President Biden originally announced in May that the last U.S. soldier would be out of Afghanistan on September 11.

I just have to shake my head. President Biden is going to get his photo moment, but not in the way that he had originally planned.


Anonymous said...

Now even parts of the US government starts to doubt the vaccines; from the Governor of West Virginia

"West Virginia is seeing

- a 26% increase in positive cases in people who are fully vaccinated
- AND a 21% increase in breakthrough infections that require hospitalisations in people who are fully vaccinated
- AND a 25% increase in death in the fully vaccinated over the last 8 weeks"

Anonymous said...

Do not take the vaccines;

they barely work, and in some people - healthy individuals - they cause death or severe injury - and rather painful and horrible deaths and injuries, I might add. Some people start getting into shock for hours before they die, some lose their retinas, some get ADE (Antibody Enhancement syndrome, making the disease much worse)

I rather take my chances with Covid, I'm middle aged, not fat, and think I have a decent immune system.

But I do take supplements. Vitamin D, C are crucial.
But also take Zinc, and other basic supplements like Iron (important for blood formation, oxygen transport etc)

If you are morbidly obese, I don't know what to tell you.
Get fit, fatty! :) Now is the time, chop chop

If you cannot get fit before this winter, I still do not recommend the vaccines, you might literally be dead the same day. Happened thousands of times, all documented, including videos - if you need to watch them, you find them on YouTube. Not pretty.

Either case, good luck!

Also get some storable food, water, batteries, and more - if you can.
My guess is they will double down. They cannot let up as they are too deep in to this and too many people know; so get prepared

RussInSoCal said...

It's one national humiliation after another. And it's not going to stop.

Anonymous said...

Russin it's done on purpose

The perfect humiliation for the USA

And Joe Biden is meant to demonstrate the downfall of white people (old white man handing over the baton to Kamala, the most unpopular candidate will become president)

And why a black woman? Because it's the most protected class. If you criticize anything she does of course you're a racist and sexist.

Think that programming of people to salivate like Pavlovian dogs (by virtue signaling) will not call you racist or sexist when you criticize the policies she'll implement?

They've been trained for years to get ready to do this and more

And BLM and Antifa and cancel culture too have been fostered and financed by globalists for this point in time.

The 2b damages last year and dozens of dead through Antifa and BLM terrorists wasn't punished by the state because the shot callers in your state betray your nation state for the new system

That's why they also relentlessly attack the constitution, religion, free speech, due process, equality under the law

They want a new system in which they're untouchable and own everything and you own nothing. Not even money.

You heard me right
They will have a new currency that is not only fully trackable, BUT on top EXPIRES after a set time so you will never ever be able to amass wealth and escape the slavery

We must stop them. It'll be hell on earth.
Full enslavement and clapping when the party speaks. Pelosi that demon needs to be removed and Fauci and the heads of your Intel agencies who all know this is going on and work with them and even sabotaged trump because he was against globalism and for nation states

When trump famously said on 6 January to peacefully march to the Capitol and proudly make your voices heard for America and that if you accept the election results you'll never get your country back be meant all of us in the west.. Canada is doing it too, the UK is, Australia is, and perhaps Germany too

Not all politicians know this of course
It's compartmentalised to the highest degree.. a police officer who is told to let Antifa members go doesn't know why exactly.. most don't know what's going on, but NSA and FBI and CIA know for sure at the top and are in on it for many reasons

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't expect anything else from the Taliban. But as far as Russia, China, and Qatar ... If Russia accepts, tell them we'll be giving a really nice military package to Ukraine. If China accepts, we'll be giving a really nice military package to Taiwan. If Qatar accepts, we'll be cancelling a few future military deals. But, oh, I forgot, Joe Corn Pop Biden is now in charge. Nevermind.

Jac said...

Inch Biden.....What a disgrace!

Unknown said...

Sad for all nato tropps ,911 victims ,american service members .20 years of heros dieing for nothing .one man undid 20 years of sweat blood and tears .i just dont get it ,something stinks there is something not right about this whole thing .my prediction is this if america cant get the right goverment in power to stop what willcome are next big loss is america and canada soon.were being probed right know

Anonymous said...

Yes, right know... being probed ... by aliens

right know