Tuesday, September 21, 2021

She Has Absolutely No Shame

PJ Media: Psaki Invokes Biden's 'Personal' Losses After Botched Airstrike Killed Seven Kids 

Joe Biden was widely criticized for his repeatedly invoking his late son Beau in the aftermath of the Kabul airport bombing that resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. service members. 

It seems that White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki didn’t get the memo that invoking Biden’s personal losses is inappropriate. 

When asked about the botched airstrike in Afghanistan that killed an aid worker and seven children, Psaki cited Biden’s personal losses. 

“Following up on the drone strike last week that the Pentagon now admits was a tragic mistake. What was the President’s response when he learned about that?” asked CBS News reporter Ed O’Keefe.  

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WNU Editor: She reminds me of a few Soviet apparatchiks that I got to know while growing up in the Soviet Union. Psaki is about as cold and bureaucratic as one could possibly get.  

Hat tip Small Dead Animals.


Jac said...

We actually are in a frightening soviet like administration. This is not American and it will finish very badly.

Anonymous said...

Really like redheads. Psaki is a good looking redhead, however the more she lies the uglier she gets. Medusa is no competition for her.