Thursday, September 2, 2021

U.S. Is Helping Tajikistan Secure A Portion Of Its Border With Afghanistan To Help Combat Security Threats

FOX News: Biden helps secure Tajikistan’s border amid US border crisis  

Arizona AG says 'people that mean America harm are crossing the southern border' 

The United States is helping Tajikistan secure a portion of its border with Afghanistan to help combat security threats in the region since the U.S. troop withdrawal from Kabul Monday, despite the ongoing crisis at the U.S. border that’s seeing thousands of migrants pour into the country every day. 

The U.S. Embassy in Dushanbe has launched a project to construct new facilities for a Border Service detachment along the Tajik-Afghan-Uzbek border, allowing Tajikistan’s border troops to deploy more quickly in response to threats in the region, the embassy said in a press release Wednesday.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Tajiks are sounding the alarm .... Interior Minister Says Tajikistan Unable To Host Many Afghan Refugees (RFE). More here .... Tajikistan sounds alarm over impending Afghan refugee crisis, warns of stream of desperate people after fall of Kabul to Taliban (RT). 

As for the U.S. helping another country secure its borders while ignoring its own border crisis. What can I say. You get the government that you vote for.


Jac said...

What is our strategic interest for spending all this money?

Anonymous said...

Jac...stop being a trouble maker! Joe's not too impressive with questions such as yours and his sidekick miss kamala was chosen for reasons not related to governing.

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing is Tajikistan does not fall to the Taliban. You could call it a strategic interest.

If Tajikistan was in danger of falling, the Chinese and Russians might even cooperate to whoop some ass. So, if China and Russia will not allow the Taliban to take over Tajikistan, what is the US's strategic interest there?

I think the strategic interest is the strategic interest of a Dip or Dips in the State Department to grow a bureaucratic empire. Or Maybe it is all they know how to do?

If Russia and China would take care of it, a strategic interest of the US would be to balance the books, so it would have the wherewithal to do stuff later. So that there would be a later.

The Tajiks offered up Kulyab in 2001, which Rumsfeld turned down and then within 3 months the Tajiks turned down the US. Russia wants us out. So can't Russia hold Tajik's hand?

B.Poster said...

"You get the government you vote for." Of course this assumes it's a legitimate government and did not cheat it's way into power.