Thursday, September 2, 2021

Will Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Be Defeated When Canadians Go To The Polls On September 20?


BBC: Canada federal election: How much trouble is Trudeau in? 

Canada's Justin Trudeau called a snap election in mid-August hoping an early campaign could net his Liberals a majority government. 

But with their lead in the poll vanishing at the campaign's halfway point, is one still within reach? 

In August, when he called the election saying "Canadians need to choose how we finish the fight against Covid-19", political headwinds appeared to be blowing in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's favour. 

Canadians were largely happy with the direction of the country and his Liberal government's pandemic response, polls suggested.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I live here and I made the prediction a few weeks ago that Justin Trudeau will win the election, but not with the majority that he was hoping for. I based that prediction on how weak his opposition was, particularly from his main opponent Conservative leader Erin O'Toole. 

What a difference two weeks. 

Justin Trudeau is running a terrible campaign, and his push to promote wedge issues is not working. On the flip side Conservative leader Erin O'Toole has been running a solid campaign, and is capitalizing on Canadian discontent that we are going to the polls in the middle of a fourth wave. 

But there are other factors involved. Among my many friends who voted for Justin Trudeau in the last two elections, I sense a great deal of fatigue. They also do not trust him anymore, and are deeply concerned on issues like inflation, housing, and the persistence of Covid.

The latest polls are also showing trouble for Justin Trudeau in regions that he has done very well in the past. Ontario is Canada's biggest province, and Justin Trudeau won the province with a vote that was 10% higher than his Conservative opponent. In this election polls are showing a slight edge to the Conservatives. If these trends continue, I can easily see the Conservatives winning the election, albeit with a minority government.


Anonymous said...

"I live here and I made the prediction a few weeks ago ... What a difference two weeks. "

Up Front given the current, best available information WNU admitted his prognostication was wrong.

Since it is a nonlinear dynamic (chaotic) system, oh well.

A person cannot complain.

I hope Trudeau loses. Maybe he can cry on Obama's shoulder, which won't happen if Obama deems him washed up.

anon said...

Does Canada use the same election rigging techniques as their US neighbours?

Anonymous said...

Of course Trudeau will win, he came out like Joseph Biden for the great reset.

Anonymous said...


No, It's all easily auditable paper ballots counted by hand with observers, records kept for 5 years.

By mail voting has to be physically at the returning office on election day to be counted.

Lists are checked and rechecked at all polling stations + returning office

Sam said...

What a horror show here in Canada. Its like trying to vote For the three stooges...

Anonymous said...

3:31 they also said this last election in the US was the most secure ever
So secure in fact, that even poll watchers weren't allowed in. Lol

Anonymous said...

So disinterested in Canadian politics and anything else spawned of this colony unfit for human habitation.....they're all 'mickey mouse' parties and inept fake politicians. Damn, I still live here!