Thursday, October 28, 2021

Biden Administration Considering To Pay $450,000 In Reparations To Illegal Aliens Per Person Up To $3.4 Million Per Family

Occupants at Casa Padre, an immigrant shelter in Brownsville, Texas, for unaccompanied minors including children separated from their parents, in June 2018. Photo: ACF/HHS via Reuters 

Daily Mail: Biden administration is considering awarding $450,000 per person to families separated at the border under Trump's zero-tolerance policy 

* Officials are considering the payments that could total close to $1 million for two people within the same family 

* The ACLU which represents the families, has identified about 5,500 children separated from parents at the border during the course of the Trump-era policy 

* Former President Trump's administration enacted the policy in April 2018 and withdrew it two months later after much controversy in June 

* The total potential payout could cost $1 billion or more 

The Biden administration is considering paying out a whopping $450,000 per person to families separated at the southern border as it tries to settle lawsuits with migrants who say the policy caused them lasting psychological damage. 

Officials from the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services are considering the payments that could total close to $1 million for two people within the same family, people familiar told the Wall Street Journal. 

The American Civil Liberties Union, which represents the separated families, has identified about 5,500 children separated from parents at the border during the course of the Trump-era policy.  

Read more ....  

Update: U.S. in Talks to Pay Hundreds of Millions to Families Separated at Border (WSJ)  

WNU Editor: Am I the only one who thinks that this is totally insane? 

That individuals and families who break the law by entering the U.S. illegally should then be compensated from $450,000 to $3.4 million! 

I am speechless.

And the news gets even better. 

I first learned about this story from a friend in Mexico!!!! He told me this evening that this story was on every news broadcast. 

I did not believe him until I found the above two news reports.


Anonymous said...

They are not insane, they are systematically destroying western nations, for the great reset


Joe Rogan confirms his big shot doctor treated over 200(!) members of congress with... wait for it...

wait for it...


the drug they withold from you!

The drug that made the largest province of India nearly covid free



Anonymous said...

There you have it sports fans, there cannot be any doubt now!

Anonymous said...

And do not stop there

I want to see the people at CNN and MSNBC HANG(!)

Nothing else will suffice

They have killed tens of thousands, perhaps more by telling you not to get Ivermectin

It is enough
I have had it!

Absolute murderers, liars, dividers, PSYCHOPATHIC DEMONIC CREATURES

We need to remove them immediately from all offices.
Every single one of them has lost the right to be home tonight, they have to be put in jail until their trials begin

Anonymous said...

They are clearly at war with us, with our values, with our people

They conduct open treason, from Miley to Pelosi to Schiff and Biden

They are NO LONGER AMERICANS, they have lost all rights and should be detained immediately!!

Anonymous said...

To Guantanamo with them!!!
No return ticket

Jac said...

The delirium keeps growing. It will all end badly.

Anonymous said...

I agree, plus the left media to this day pushes the vaccines AND the illegal coercion of people to take these shots

We might actually see those people hang, the crimes keep piling up, the people get sicker since the vaccines were introduced, they don't get better

Anonymous said...

What's even worse is that by withholding Ivermectin from the population - a cheap, safe and widely available drug - they clearly and with purpose made the pandemic not only worse, but deadly AND THEY USED IT FOR THE LOCKDOWNS

No one from Pfizer to the WH will survive this. No one.

Anonymous said...

What's even worse is that by withholding Ivermectin from the population - a cheap, safe and widely available drug - they clearly and with purpose made the pandemic not only worse, but deadly AND THEY USED IT FOR THE LOCKDOWNS

No one from Pfizer to the WH will survive this. No one.

If those news break big, they might pull the Internet kill switch and try the martial law, but so many people I know are aware of what's happening. It will not work.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Democrats go thru with this and my prediction is that their will be a civil war. Sure it is a rookie mistake by Democrats, but they are drunk on power.

People work their whole lives to build this much wealth and the Democrats will give it to people for breaking the law. It makes the bathroom rapes by trans look like child's play.

Anonymous said...

11:28 is pro-human trafficking.

Anonymous said...

The Left/Democrats has taken off the gloves, the mask, and their pants.

"Florida School Board Member Chaperones Little Children on Gay Bar Field Trip"

Anonymous said...

Frankly 11:28, your silly and childish sentence of 6 words could endanger your health. Please stop staying up past your bedtime writing such enlightened comments. After such an effort I'll bet you're tired. Get a class of warm milk and go to bed. Don't forget your teddy bear. And remember to say your prayers. You need help.

Anonymous said...

It has to be said - even though I do not like Fred/1128 - that Trump was also talking people into "getting the shot"

I do not know how much he is responsible for, BUT.. he needs to be investigated as well for pushing these drugs onto an unaware population.

And Trump, quite frankly, could have done more about the border.. it was a campaign promise, and while yes, he did build a few miles, it was way less than what people who voted for him wanted. (but I get it, the demonic left that is now actively imploding your southern border and risking everyone's life in the process, did manipulate his entire agenda with this Russia collusion crack for YEARS!)

We need to have the trials IMMEDIATELY before they destroy the Western countries further

Unknown said...

Anyone being handed that kind of cash, can invest in the illegal drug dealing industry. I think the Democrats are trying really hard to start a civil war. I wonder if Chairman Xi is also the unofficially unofficial head of the Democrat party & President of the United States? The USA is being destroyed. God knows what America will look like in 4 years from now. Will it still be a single country or will States succeed? Keep ducking yanks 🙈

Anonymous said...

That civil war would be over so quick

By now more than 70%want Biden gone

iTunes chat is full of fuck Joe Biden/ let's go Brandon songs, Top1, top 2, top 3 all fuck Joe Biden

And the poisonous vaccine and the illegal mandates about it will break Joseph Biden's neck, quite literally

And we will see a lot of Pfizer people hung. A lot.

Anonymous said...

To the dustbin of history with these demons

Unknown said...

Time to move to Russia

Anonymous said...

dear unknown
you can't even move your bowels let alone leave your pup tent in a local park

fazman said...

While 1000s of his own citizens live on skid row..guys insane

Unknown said...

How many people live in tents heat

Unknown said...

Sounds like California

Unknown said...

I am a Vietnam veteran and a patriot. But I did not fight for what we are becoming. Putin is the most level headed politician. We have been brainwashed to believe Russia is s boggy man. We should play nice with Russia. It will take a bear and a eagle to defeat a dragon

Anonymous said...

great way to accelerate the migrations. Dems will control all branches of government for eternity.

Anonymous said...

As Rep. Dan Crenshaw pointed out, "if a service member is killed in action, their next of kin gets an insurance payment of $400,000."

That's the Biden administration. Illegal aliens first, soldiers last.