Thursday, October 28, 2021

China’s New Aircraft Carrier Is Massive

The new dry dock on Hainan in the South China Sea is only just large enough for the Type-003 aircraft carrier. This suggests that future carriers will be the same size.  

Naval News: China’s Massive New Aircraft Carrier Is As Big As It Can Be 

Aircraft carriers are at the vanguard of China's incredible naval expansion A new, larger super-carrier is being built near Shanghai. Analysis of radar satellite imagery shows that it is as large as China's new bases allow. 

The growth of the Chinese Navy has been incredible. The PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy) is barely recognizable from itself twenty years ago. Among the most important developments have been aircraft carriers. 

Defense analysts have been trawling open source intelligence (OSINT) to keep up with developments. But like much of China, the shipyard building the latest carrier is protected from traditional satellite observation by impenetrable cloud. A new commercial satellite has provided Naval News with a way to see through this cloud. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Apparently this new aircraft carrier will be having some Ford-class tech .... China’s new super carrier boasts Ford-class tech (Asia times).


Anonymous said...

When the 2mn strong CCP members database was leaked it showed the IDs of 80,000+ CCP members working in the west, in silicon valley, in London, in NYC

And were arrests made?

Nothing happened.
CNN and NY TIMES didn't even cover it.

If you want to stop the destruction of your nation, the outright theft of your IP, may I suggest to use this database to get rid of spies?

And maybe, just maybe you make the intellectual connection between the Chinese financed media, like CNN, and the culture war, the systematic division of your country based on lies?

Up to you.

Anonymous said...
