Thursday, October 28, 2021

Pentagon's No. 2 General Says Risk Aversion And Secrecy From The DoD Bureaucracy' Is Costing The U.S. Its Military Advantage

Gen. John E. Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Credit: DoD

CNN: CNN: Senior US general warns China's military progress is 'stunning' as US is hampered by 'brutal' bureaucracy 

(CNN)In the wake of China's test of a hypersonic missile, the second most senior US general said Thursday that the pace at which China's military is developing capabilities is "stunning" while US development suffers from "brutal" bureaucracy. 

The outgoing Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General John Hyten, echoed Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's characterization of China as a "pacing threat" while calling Russia the most imminent threat. 

"Calling China a pacing threat is a useful term because the pace at which China is moving is stunning," Hyten told reporters at a Defense Writers Group roundtable Thursday morning. "The pace they're moving and the trajectory they're on will surpass Russia and the United States if we don't do something to change it. It will happen. So I think we have to do something."  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Risk aversion and secrecy are costing U.S. its military advantage, No. 2 general says (Military Times) 

Update #2: Hyten blasts ‘unbelievably’ slow DoD bureaucracy as China advances space weapons (Space News)  

WNU Editor: China's government and bureaucracy are probably of one of most risk averse and secrecy obsessed organizations in the world. But it has not stopped them from building the military that can now challenge the U.S.. So what have they done to make their system work?


Anonymous said...

What's costing you 100 fold is this:

Allowing traitors to your nation to get rich and escape justice

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


This is his excuse de jure.

Military officer cannot campaign or endorse people in office. But that does not mean they cannot trust in their education and experience and tell nutcase politicians the way it is and retire early.

If enough senior officers did many politicians would have broken careers and the follow on batches would be more realistic.

Since the senior officer go along and get along, tell me what is the difference between these officer and those that obeyed Benito Mussolini?

Benito Mussolini ordered something to be taken and gave short shrift to logistics and everything else. Italian soldiers and generals were not that bad. The Italian political establishment were that bad. Hyten should draw the appropriate lesson.

He won't, because Hyten is a craven bitch, who would rather get on his knees and beg for his job than do the right thing.

We are not talking about anything invo9oplvloing a zipper or any thing sexual or scatalogical. We are talking about good old fashion getting on the knees and begging. Hyten would do it.

Hyten is a total douche.

Anonymous said...

America is getting fat in too many ways.

I wonder...did these entities see large growth in numbers beginning with the obamma era?