Thursday, October 28, 2021

EU Claims Russia Is Using Natural Gas Sales As A Political Weapon Against Moldova


Politico: EU blames Russia for ‘political pressure’ in Moldova gas squeeze 

Europe’s poorest country is mired in a difficult gas supply negotiation with Gazprom.

Russia is using natural gas sales as a "political weapon" against Moldova, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said Thursday. 

Moldova, Europe's poorest country, is involved in a bitter dispute with Russia's Gazprom over energy supplies. 

Gazprom has historically supplied Moldova, but its demand for a steep increase in prices at a time when gas prices are soaring around the world prompted the Moldovan government to refuse the deal.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Russia says it is not about politics, but business .... ‘Purely commercial’: Kremlin dismisses claims of ‘politicized’ gas talks with Moldova (TASS). 

More News On The EU Saying Russia Is Using Natural Gas Sales As A Political Weapon Against Moldova  

The Kremlin Is Threatening To Turn Off Moldova's Gas. Pro-Russia Separatists Are Blamed For Running Up The Energy Bill -- RFE  

Moldova: Russia threatens gas supply in Europe's poorest state -- BBC 

Russia ‘weaponising’ gas supply in Moldova dispute, EU says -- Al Jazeera  

Will Putin turn off Moldova's gas taps? -- DW


Anonymous said...

Boy those EU guys are really on the ball!

Anonymous said...

Those sidewalk cafes can be a little chilly!

Anonymous said...

Imagine if the EU had taken President Trump on his offer to sign long term contracts with the EU and especially the feckless Germans for US LNG. Right about now that supply would be going to Europe, instead it’s going to Asia.

Germany owns this. The EU owns this. They let their hatred for Trump block doing good business with their long time ally. Instead they have thrown in with Putin. All that comes next is richly deserved in Europe.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and Merkel made Germany dependent on Russia

Merkel grew up in the Russian controlled east German section

Then somehow she became chancellor

And the chancellor she replaced prior,Gerhard Schròder, took on a very well paying gasprom job

Germany's traitors are like America's traitors. Corrupt and taking money from China and Russia.

Did Merkel also violate Nuremberg codes and coerce her people into taking these experimental shots, like Joseph Biden did?

Maybe we can get a discount on the ropes if we place a joint order :)