Thursday, October 28, 2021

President Biden Lands In Rome To Meet The Pope And To Attend The G-20 Summit


Daily Mail: House DELAYS vote on infrastructure package until next week after angry progressives hold back support and chastened Biden is forced to fly to Rome to meet the Pope without sealing the deal 

* President Joe Biden announced a new framework for his Build Back Better reconciliation bill Thursday morning 

* The White House detailed what specific policies will be found in the bill, which has been tangled up in Congress for months 

* Biden delayed his planned Thursday morning departure for Rome and will instead head to Capitol Hill and then address the nation 

* Pushed out of the bill is a paid family leave provision, which holdout Sen. Joe Manchin didn't support 

* Sen. Kyrsten Sinema also got her way as the bill won't allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices 

* He called it a 'historic framework' in remarks at the White House 

* He declined to answer questions about Manchin and Sinema's posture 

* House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to bring up a bipartisan infrastructure bill Thursday, but progressives are balking 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was forced to ditch plans to hold a House vote on a bipartisan infrastructure bill Thursday evening after a group of House progressive Democrats refused to back the legislation that is a priority for President Biden. 

Pelosi had had told lawmakers to prepare for a possible vote, and amid tense negotiations with progressives, who are demanding to read the fine print of Biden's new 'framework' for his $1.75 trillion Build Back Better plan – as well as get further assurances that it can pass the Senate. 

 'These two bills need to go together,' said Rep. Pramila Jayapal, leader of the House progressive Caucus.  

Read more ....  

Update: Biden arrives in Rome as domestic agenda still unfulfilled (AP)  

WNU Editor: This is not what the White House wanted .... House Democrats again delay infrastructure vote amid party divisions (CNN), nor this .... Vatican cancels live TV broadcast of Biden greeting pope (AP).  

Update #2: This is President Biden's schedule .... Here's who Biden will meet with when he goes to Rome and Glasgow this week (NPR).


Anonymous said...

Pedophile goes visit pedophile headquarters. Nice

Anonymous said...

NPR only shows that joe will go to 3 meetings. No mention of how many hours spent in each meeting or if it is just a cameo.