Friday, October 29, 2021

Is A U.S. Election Shockwave About To Occur In Next Week's Virginia Governor Election?

New York Post: Virginia shocker: Glenn Youngkin up 8% over Democrat Terry McAuliffe in gov race poll 

 Republican Glenn Youngkin now holds a clear lead over Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia gubernatorial race with five days to go before Election Day, according to a just-released poll. 

The Fox News survey showed Youngkin leading McAuliffe by eight percentage points (53-45) among likely voters, with just 2 percent supporting other candidates or undecided. 

That represents a dramatic turnaround from just two weeks ago, when the same poll showed McAuliffe with 51 percent support among likely voters, 46 percent supporting Youngkin and 3 percent undecided or supporting other candidates.  

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WNU Editor: The bove poll did catch my eye, but I am very skeptical that Democrat candidate Terry McAuliffe will lose. The Democrat machine is very formidable in this state, and the main stream media is on board for a Democrat win. But if Democrat Terry McAuliffe does lose, it is going to surprise a lot of people, but the Democrat agenda will continue.


Anonymous said...

They're now shouting FUCK JOE BIDEN at Biden's own events, overpowering the noise his own supporters at his even make

It's over

When the news about the vaccine and the blood clotting breaks, he'll be arrested, if he's lucky

Anonymous said...

Democrats will do anything now to stay in power

If Republicans regain control, they'll want to move the vote audits from the 2020 election ahead and it'll confirm trump won by a landslide AND they know this will be a literal death sentence to many of them

So stay away from vaccination places for some time, they'll likely do a false flag very soon and blame it on Republicans

They'll do ANYTHING because once you committed to such crimes and corruption, there's no turning back.

Tyrants always double down and never come clean, it's against their nature

Anonymous said...

Jones, who told everyone to take ivermectin and got belittled by the media for months (while it's now on record that 200+Congress members secretly took ivermectin) predicts massive supply chain disruptions and hospitals filling up from the vaccines by January

I'm thinking you should get ready, and perhaps talk to your loved ones, watch

If you live in a cold region, make sure toy can heat your place

If you don't have 4+weeks of storable food, now is the time

Same with basic other things, batteries, lighters, sanitary stuff, basic medication like antibiotics, supplements etc

Also talk to your neighbours about what's going on. If you were in the group on the left that believed CNN, by now, after the lie about ivermectin that likely killed tens of thousands, you should be awake

I don't know all the answers but I was right on this blog very very often

Do get prepared. It's fun, costs almost nothing and you can always eat storeable food even if I'm wrong

Good luck guys, this winter and the next years will be B.A.D.

Anonymous said...

But if Democrat Terry McAuliffe does lose, it is going to surprise a lot of people, but the Democrat agenda will continue.

Kind of like the NAZIs never won 51% of the vote, but somehow the NAZI agenda continued.

History may not exactly repeat but it rhymes.

What to expect? More field trips for school children to gay bars. Democrat way.

Anonymous said...

people are working right now to rig that election if necessary.

Anonymous said...

why complain the Dems will do anything to stay in power when Trump keeps lying and insisting that he is still the rightful president and so many ignorant people believe his crap despite NO evidence to back their fantasy

Anonymous said...

Mr. Folded paper spoke up at 1:21