Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Israeli News Reports Say Military Options Against Iran Will Be Ready In One Year

IAF F-35 "Adir" fighter jets in training | Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit  

Israel Hayom: Military option against Iran likely to be ready in one year 

The Israeli Air Force will begin training in the coming year for a possible airstrike in Iran. According to assessments, training for such a mission could take at least one year, if not longer. 

In light of the political echelon's decision on the matter, and the progression of the Iranian nuclear program, the Israeli Air Force will begin training in the coming year for a possible airstrike in Iran. According to assessments, training for such a mission could take at least one year. Beyond the need for updated intelligence information and preparing several attack options, the IAF will also have to alter its force structure, how the forces are trained, aircraft maintenance, and even procure a considerable amount of spare parts for long-distance flights.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: They will be ready in one year?!?!? My gut tells me that they will be ready much sooner.


RussInSoCal said...

Lol - Obvious low level dis-info to Iranians. Israel's been ready for Iran for 40 years.

B.Poster said...

The Israelis have been ready for military action against Iran for decades. How it's probably going to go down is the Israelis will strike and destroy Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities and be back home before US (un)intelligence even knows what happened. Seeing their "deer in the headlights" look as they try and explain it could be quite entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Yup, Israel has all the latest tech, nukes, cyber..

Plus they have the will to win.

However, the Iranians have numbers on their side, are also very strong minded, very clever insurgency fighters, have many more who would be willing to commit martyrdom, and are also very close to the nuke and wouldn't even need one, considering how small Israel is. A dirty bomb is within their reach for sure. And I hope everyone remembers how ingenious and effective their inverted/ molten metal IEDs were, causing mass casualties during the Iraq war among the American troops, basically a bomb that produced a molten metal liquid forming a cone to then penetrate the even hardened vehicles. It was a blood bath. That was their tech..

Let's hope both sides cool down. I have a friend who left Iran and he was cool as fck, highly intelligent, a true leader. And I've got a Jewish friend, also awesome. So yeah, this would be a horrific war as so many decent and intelligent and warm people would get killed.

The only benefactors of such war would be the extremists, bankers and the defence industry and media lol

I bet CNN's Brian Stelter gets hard just thinking of the ratings boost another 24/7 war coverage would bring. That little gnome is a freak.

Latest War Room, can recommend


Anonymous said...

Prediction: there will be a false flag soon, likely involving previously conditioned/ established fears that can trigger shock in the population.

The most traumatic events in US history must have been the JFK assassination, and more recently 9/11 during which airplanes were used. A lot of people have been traumatized for years, some still are, with regards to flying.

So my guess is, to justify the camps being filled with the opponents of the vaccination program (who are also anti authoritarian/do not follow herd think and would be the first to target in a power grab) they will create a false flag in which a prominent target will be attacked by a vaccine hesitant airline pilot.
Maybe they will fly a plane into a Pfizer building, who knows.. but that would be the move to exploit previously conditioned fear triggers.

When 9/11 "happened", they created the patriot act that today is used to come after Patriots. True terrorism.

They use this method to get rid of all dissenters. Globally. Not just in America. So we believe we're safe because recently they "only" did it to Iraqis and Afghans and Pakistanis and Iranians and Somali and Uzbeks and maybe 20 other nations, I don't know. Who knows?

But it seems they speak in inverted language as in rituals. They often also use up speak (typical California uppity nasal tonality) and they use their own vocabulary.

I wouldn't be surprised if these cultists haven't come about by accident. It seems as if there's a truly wicked manifestation on the left or perhaps throughout many nations. It's a weird blend of Marxism, communism, neoFacism, satanism, mental neuroses mixed in and gajanism under which I'd include eco- terrorists and eco extremists. (Note gajanism isn't itself bad, it's actually very cool and I would count me to that team, but there's some extremists..gajanists believe in gaja, which has several interpretations but includes typically that the earth/ nature is sacred, should be protected and perhaps a big lifeform in itself, which can certainly be argued for. However the extremists then side on eg plants over humans)

Either waaaaay, the left is getting crazier and crazier by the day. Noam Chomsky(BIG lefty and Marxist) just suggested to put the unvaccinated into camps.

It is clear that this is a global neo Marxist takeover, using the pandemic as cover and many are in on it. This is their push. From Australia to new Zealand, UK and the USA they're building these camps. And they're now openly talking about putting everyone who opposes their insane mandates should be put in.

I agree, you either stand up now or you can never ever say you wouldn't have been a Nazi back then.

Either you stand for something or you fall for anything.

It happens gradual. At first they bring you food in those camps. Then they start hitting you. The media forgets you. It happens every day. The left are experts at psychological manipulation and have 80% media dominance

Anonymous said...

And just to clarify my above point on the blend of freaks coming together, what basically happened is that leftists in the world are subconsciously signaling to each other using Twitter YouTube and so on.

And think of this: we know from recent Pew studies that there's a manifestation of mental diseases on the left that is 2 fold higher than on the right, and especially among women where it can I believe be 2.8 times higher than an average man on the right. And then you have the increase in mental disorders in general across the board, you should look at the prescription table for Congress. It's insane. The US is the most drugged up nation on this planet, before Mexico .. especially pharmaceuticals which are causing most of the shootings. Most mass shooters in the US were on prescribed pharmaceuticals.

You're being set up.
It's targeted to bring down majority Christian western nations, but everyone is coming down.

They need to get rid of Christians and the judeo Christian value system enshrined in the US constitution which is directly opposed to Marxism.

The world economic forum and the Davos group openly talk about a neoMarxist future on their websites. They also said you'll own nothing, have no privacy and be happier than ever.

Beware guys.
Stand up.
Punish the breakers of Nuremberg codes.
Reestablish equality under the law.
Get rid of supranational bodies that tend to remove you further and further from the decision making point.

I'm in the EU. We have no say on anything. Brussel brussel.
It sucks.
Imagine a globalist system in 2030 while they bash heads in Australia now and build camps now and lie now and coerce you now and tell you you're not essential now and by 2030 THEY SAY MOST PEOPLE WILL NOT BE ESSENTIAL

They built occult settings like the Georgia stones. Look at them! Massive! They suggest depopulation of the planet to live in harmony with the planet. And they say BEING IT DOWN TO 500 MILLION HUMANS!!

That's what we're facing.
Not a virus.
Globalists who use all sorts of weapons from population groups to virii against us.

They said they want to get rid of us so we don't guillotine them when their robotics army makes us non essential. They're billing the frog slowly.

I might be wrong and hope I am but you better find your morale compass now.

Good luck friends, this will accelerate soon, likely this winter.

And they lie about the vaccines. So many people have died, got injured. The media and big tech silences them all.

Anonymous said...

I bet that's why the Washington post (Bezos, globalist) targeted those white Christian boys who wore red MAGA hats..

The MAGA hats stand for make America great again, ie they're nationalists.

They were viciously targeted by the Washington post. Portrayed as the attackers. They were minors and for days they did this fully knowing it wasn't true.

They had to pay USD500mn for this outrageous attack. Took Bezos a day to earn. A slap on the wrist.

He recently gave Van Jones, one of the biggest racists and racism pushers and division pushers ever and another racism pusher and white men attacker, 100mn USD each!!

Van Jones said, while the pandemic broke out and the fear was really high in 2020, that "white people would suffer from a racism virus"

I hope you can put a few things together and recognize an attack pattern. And know this.. Van Jones is against borders because Bezos is against borders.

And they build literally rocket ships to evade a nuclear exchange or virus breakout.

And Fauci a religious extremist, globalist and whose name in Italy means sickle/ to cut off heads as in death, he works on gain of function research edith the target to create more virulent viruses

And bill gates is banned from several African nations for crimes against the humanity, flew several times on the lolita Express, like many other rich people and globalists and certainly seems as if he wants to control information about this and his many other crimes, like in Africa where his experimental vaccines caused massive polio and other outbreaks killing scores we don't even know yet how many

And he runs NEWSGUARD that decides what truth is

Jesus.. you follow these people you'll be dead by 2030

Anonymous said...

Nationalism has been targeted in the media for a good decade now as being bad. Maybe it is, but all MAGA meant was to reduce government and reestablish the nation as priority. You were programmed to believe it was about racism. And it worked so well that Maxine Waters called for the harassment of trump supporters. In the aftermath of her vicious calls, hundreds of trump supporters, even blacks, were beaten... for the audacity to wear a red hat.

You're being set up.
How can you not see this?

Talk to a Republican, not the image they program you with. Break their hold they have over you. THAT'S what's required to not become a Naxi. A spine and moral compass.

Protect each other. Stand up against media hyenas. Organise and protest CNN,MSNBC,Nytimes, Washington Post and all these globalist freaks who have caused so much misery in your country, took so much of your wealth, committed unspeakable crimes and are more and more openly talking about eradicating your rights, abolishing the constitution, taking away bodily autonomy and everything that comes with it.

They're breaking Nuremberg codes ffs
Look at new Zealand. The prime minister is openly talking about a two class system, noam chomsky talks about putting people in camps.. camps are being built


Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton, BIG globalist and suspected murderer. Wanted Assange killed many times. I bet she pushed for it during the trump administration, using her/ Obama's stay behind network, or it was trump

Either way, there's a lot of dirt that Assange still has on her and likely others. There's talk of a massive encrypted data file somewhere, and get this the key was published too but the trick is that no one knows where it is. They cannot kill Assange because the rumour is the location of the key gets released by a fail safe or associate in this case.. and who knows what's in that file.. might be more than info on Hillary but she is most famous for hating him

Thinking of it.. maybe that's why trump didn't pardon him, otherwise he couldn't be under surveillance and protection like where he is now or would have to pay for massive protection..

They killed Epstein in prison ffs

This whole covid directly started after Epstein was killed in prison, who had so much dirt on the rich and powerful in many nations, but especially on bill Clinton, bill gates and even trump hung with him, he's on several photos and videos and was very much joking around with him on video with ladies dancing(all seemed above legal age but just saying that Epstein was at the very top of our "elites")

Epstein got a house worth 50 million as a present from that Victoria secret billionaire if I remember correctly

The church has a lot of pedophelia problems and the Pope tells Facebook to censor more and tells you to take the vaccine.

Mmhhhmmmm o_O

Come on, if we don't all die this will make a great movie.. has everything from global conspiracy, shadowy organisations, the Vatican, wars, drugs, sin, murder, action, everything in it.. even a killer virus that comes disguised as mRNA code you're being talked into to wilfully inject or even against your will and thei literally tell you not to ask questions or do your own research

Maybe we deserve it.

That amount of stupidity. We truly are cattle. *sticks his arm out*

Anonymous said...

People know the location but cannot yet decipher it

But they can. They have way better computing power.

My guess is they

a) know what's in that file and it's bad
b) they can predict by when WE can decrypt it without the key.

And what do Democrats just pass?
A bill to limit the energy and computing power you can have.

For climate change lol

We truly are cattle Haha

Anonymous said...

The patriot act was established when you were in your highest level of fear, 20 years ago during 9/11, using terrorists and planes

Now the act is used to literally target Patriots. They love the name games and inversion.

It's not terrorism to speak out or question. It's your patriotic duty to IMPROVE the country you have. It's constructive criticism and also important to weed out the guilty and corrupt and wicked.

Guess how high on the guilty and wicked barometer Epstein's associates may rank?

We must avoid guilt by association, but those people who killed Epstein in prison and had the cameras not work.. let's just say they were connected

My guess is Epstein was a pedo financed by national and international people. He had so much money and super wealthy friends who were former presidents and current royalty. From the UK to France and the US.. plenty of Epstein friends.. and that's only what we know so far. He was also well connected to research and universities and bankrolled several MIT people.

But whatever.. I'm sure it's all coincidence and the election audits are probably wrong in saying some shit went on during the election

Oh by the way Democrats' state department/ homeland security now claims that asking questions about the election is a sign of terrorism.

But it was cool for Democrats and globalists like Schiff to not only question trump's previous election but to lie about evidenced they claimed they had, derail his America first/ nationalist agenda...

Coincidence too, I'm sure

Just how morally corrupt are you to go along with this all?

And parents who question indoctrination about pedophelia at schools with pupils as young as 6 years is now, you guessed it, terrorism

And you might not even know about it because you watch CNN

Something wicked is afoot
And the pope tells you to not question the election to take the vaccine

And CNN told you previously you're not allowed to read wiki leaks and that BLM is peaceful and that 50% of your country is racist super spreaders

When tyranny becomes reality, rebellion becomes duty. Thomas Jefferson

And they took down his statue because "he's a racist" and they don't tell you that the Slavs, Easter European whites were so often enslaved by the moors (middle eastern and African tribes) that they're literally called Slav(e)s today still.

Up is down left is right
Men are women, women are men and pedophelia is cool

That's them wanting you to believe it because obviously that's about Epstein and his connections to the powerful so that in case you come after them, wikileaks or otherwise, they have a much better chance to survive.

We've gone from the 2010s (don't talk don't tell) to openly transvestite in the military and pedophelia in your schools in 10 years.

That's not normal.
And at the same time Cristian values are targeted, churches are fire bombed by the hundreds and the government can't figure out who did the last 500 in Canada. Wow. Mysterious.

Anonymous said...

Consider what it means if you support those people in their covid vaccine push

Are you not concerned about all those scientists being silenced? Even Nobel prize winners like Dr.Marlone spoke out. You don't know because of their grip over you.

And you're too lacy, otherwise you'd have realized that the biggest group of "vaccine" skeptics by profession if nurses and doctors and by education it's PhDs.

At that point you should have at least scratched your hat and pause.

When pardew pharma and Pfizer killed hundreds of thousands of people in prior crimes and had to pay more than 10 billion combined for those prior crimes, you should have at least considered that it's full on criminal organisations - with public track record of being involved in massive crimes, admissions, everything

And if you know of history, you should have known that big industries, from pharma to chemicals were used during Nazi Germany.. who do you think produced Zyklon B? (And don't read up on why it was called B either, it'll give you yet more of a glimpse of what these people, these mad scientists and corporations were capable of back then and today)

And don't read up on the tangoske experiment either where the government used "vaccines" to inject people with syphilis to study the effects, then left it untreated for them to die horrible deaths

Buy the way, that was legal because you know The likes of Fauci said it's legal

Look, if you break the Nuremberg code it doesn't matter why you did it. The nazis said they were just following orders.

Hung. By the neck. Publicly

To send a message: this far and no further

The prime ministers of new Zealand and Australia crossed that line months ago

You can decide. Be good or bad. It's your soul not mine.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for typos just on train and typing quick :D


Anonymous said...


You're welcome and yes, you should have a read
Think of the cost of these massive things to be erected anonymously over night. Obit a billionaire or state actor could do such a thing and keep it secret for such a long time.. no track records financial or otherwise. Instructing to depopulate earth.

And no investigations by the state. They just leave it there too. Not concerned??

Anonymous said...

The links were actually interesting, thanks

Anonymous said...

My pleasure :D

Also here on the name Fauci:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Fauci is an Italian surname. It is derived from the Sicilian word for "sickle", and originated as an occupational surname referring metonymically to makers of sickles.

Fauci's name figuratively means death.

The guy doing the gain of function research, the guy who talks you into taking vaccines that have no long term safety record and have already killed an among equivalent to a war (and those are just the short term effects and deaths that passed their numbers game)... it is literal extermination and conditioning by the state

By winter, several scientists (from the leading vaccine program guy in the UK to high ranking scientists in France and the US) it is believed that the mRNA vaccines will have ---weakened--- people's immune system by a lot. The more you take, the worse it gets AND YOU WILL GET SICK FROM IT.

And they predict, that you will lash out against the unvaccinated, especially if combined with a false flag.

They are systematic,
it's a plan decades in making,
and they communicate the goal more and more frequently in the open

They are modern day Nazis, and get this, they align themselves with China and a Chinese style social credit system.

If you think today's world is horrible wait what happens if you let them succeed. Neighbours you have arguments with will say you spoke out against the party.

Off you go to that same camp.
Happened so so many times.

Their plan is to get rid of us by 2030.
A key step is for you to give up bodily autonomy and set the legal precedent, abolishing a key aspect of human rights.

Anonymous said...

Connecting the dots yet?

Here Dr. Mullis, the inventor and Nobel Prize winner on Fauci (who he knew back then from Fauci's handling of HIV/AIDS)


Dr. Mullis is the inventor of the PCR test and what he has to say is very, very relevant, as the false positives from the pcr test were used in step 1 to whip you into panic and accept the vaccines as solution

Remember when they started testing and saw covid everywhere? A case-demic it was called.

And they told you hospitals were overcrowding.. while they were not

You were whipped into panic by psychological and empirical manipulation

The PCR tests, as I said covered the empirical side (even high school kids now know how they did it.. by over-cycling the tests from 27 to 40+ cycles, creating false positives guaranteed). I worked with that test myself, it's a known side effects. Hence silencing of scientists and nurses and doctors.

The other aspect, the psychological one was achieved with the help of China - they are globalists - do not think nation state, they work together at that level.

And what did you see? Fake videos of people dropping dead.. faker than fake, but still we bough it.

It was done so you accept the "vaccines"

AND they said they were 0 flu deaths. Remember? A statistical impossibility

Just like during the election. Full on lies in your face. Windows barricaded, Poll watchers denied access. Servers accessed from abroad. Log files deleted. Signatures not checked. Unprecedented voting changes, against the constitution.. because of covid

CNN called it the most secure election LOL
CNN also wants you to take that vaccine, badly

Do not.
You are being exterminated.

It is a direct violation to coerce people into taking these "vaccines". They do not protect you from covid - as established in the thousands of famous people getting covid despite double or even tripple jabbed -- and they do not stop you from spreading covid

There is an argument to be made that your stay in the hospital (if you are above 70 and have co-morbities might be shorter) BUT that is likely because these mRNA shots reduce your own T Cell count, making your immune response to covid slightly weaker BUT, and that's important, you will become immuno compromised, rendering you forver dependent on the state pharma and you will get sick for sure from the many other viruses out there.. just not as sick (99% as sick)..

The science on this is very shaky, so I am not 100% sure, BUT what I am sure about is that there is a death cult that these stones in georgia are massive, errected by very powerful people and you should take seriously when they indoctrinate your children about climate change and putting people in camps.

They will combine those things
That is their plan

Anonymous said...

What covid also accelerated is an expansion of the surveillance economy

India's biggest telemarketer now wants to install AI cameras with at least 2million of their employees at home (yes, they are BIG!)


And it's not ending there.. phone tracking, voice tracking, everything being recorded

And in the US it is Google, Amazon's Alexa and Facebook -- all connected to and financed by CIA's IntelliQ arm.

And if you dare to speak a wrong-think, you not only will get censored, you go to those camps...

You will self-censor yourself. Your mind will change. You will change.

That is the dystopian nightmare they create

And facebook put 400million in the fight to get rid of Trump

And the New York times openly writes about an international group of businesses that came together ahead of the election "to fortify democracy".. globalist billionaires changing your mind on what's good for you, changing the way you think about your fellow man and voting against your interests

Anonymous said...

It gets better

DARPA's life log (the plan to create a life record of every human) was ended 4 February 2004

And guess when Facebook was launched?

Why 4 February 2004



Get it?

Facebook, which is the state, pushes the leftist state narrative, festers mental disorders, and spends unlimited money on guaranteeing nationalist/america first cannot happen


Anonymous said...

And Biden would have known that enforcing vaccine mandates (by giving the corporations cover for this illegal and immorale push) would cause on thing:

Mass exit by truckers, nurses, doctors and every form of profession you can think of.

In short, the Democrats are actively undermining your nation's security by purposefully creating supply chain disruptions

Port of long beach California (Democrat) -- CLOSED, no ships can come in, never happened

Port in Florida (Republican) -- OPEN

You are being miseld!

Anonymous said...

SUPPLY CHAINS: Caused by Democrats through vaccine mandates and closing of the port

SOUTHERN BORDER: Non-existent under Democrats. In fact, borders - a key part of a nation state - they say are racist

ENERGY: Under Republican/nationalist Trump you were not only energy independent for the first time but overtook Saudi Arabia in under 4 years; under Democrats (I shouldn't say Democrats - your party was hijacked by globalists), your energy supply is weak, so weak that energy rich texas ran out of energy a few months back because they had to rely on sustainable energy by law, which however cannot produce enough at any given time when there's even the mildest "disaster" (if you have a more diversified energy supply you are much better off)

But in every aspect from culture to censorship to racism being pushed on you to sabotaging your energy and supply lines to violating nuremberg codes, it's these goddamn globalists that hijacked the democrat party

You either get them out of office, or you will be enslaved or dead by 2030

That's what a social credit system is when you are not allowed to have property or privacy, as they write themselves.. they want YOU to own nothing, THEY SAID IT!!

Anonymous said...

Oh and if you haven't kept up, get this:

The Davos Group and World Economic Forum (many of them Democrats and Marxists) have declared that the new currency will not only be crypto and digital (so everything can be traced and your income can be turned off INSTANTLY), but also that the new currency will not allow YOU to amass wealth.. they will be allowed, YOU will not be allowed.

That means you, if you speak out against the party, will - if you let them succeed - forever be a slave, as even your children's children cannot escape this.

They speak of a permanent serving class.
The income differential between rich and poorer gets larger and larger
AND in this new information age they want to limit YOUR computing power under the disguise of climate change

If you do not catch up, maybe you DO deserve this ;)
Joking. No one deserves this inhumane, dystopian World they create for all of us around us.

It is so inhumane that I sometimes wonder if the people who suspect they are aliens are right.

I don't care. They are one thing for sure: Pure, unaltered evil

Anonymous said...


Vaccination of the military with an unsafe drug to force out the good ones: Democrats

They are replacing people who oppose Nuremberg code violations and clear illegal orders with people who do follow orders

You are running out of time!

The showdown will be this winter and my guess is, as China has signalled already that covid will spread more soon, that they are working together again to whip us into panic.. if that's not enough they will do the false flag. You better believe it.

They have been working on this since 9/11 (see operation Dark Winter)

They are censoring leading scientists.

They are lying to you from detection (See PCR false positives and what Dr. Mullis / Nobel prize winner had to say) to treatment options (see what Nobel Prize winner @ mRNA Dr. Marlone had to say) and they lie to you about Ivermectin and other treatment alternatives

ie they lie 360degree, it is done purposefully and in coordinated manner

Jack Dorsey/ CEO of twitter (rampant leftist and responsible for so much censorship) talks up hyperinflation.. he is so prominent that if he talks about hyper inflation it is either a wilful act to cause harm, or it's really bad.. looking at him, this guy isn't normal.. perhaps compromised.. but he looks like he joint a cult, literally look at his beard and how he changed in the last 3-4 years.. not the same

Twitter and Jack Dorsey also banned the New York post story that would have single handedly changed the election, because they reported in depth of the Biden China connection and the millions flowing from the CCP to Biden. On record. WIth paper trails and witnesses.


They are doing this. You better wake up.

Anonymous said...

I have 5 friends who got the vaccine, 1 had severe side effects, and 2 of them had nausea and body pain. And get this: None of them reported it on VAERS

There's a 2009 pilgrim Harvard study looking at how often Vaccine Adverse Events (that's what the VAERS database is about) are being recorded. They found that only 1% are being recorded.
I would believe it, especially when long-term illnesses manifest you will not know what caused this. And things like vomiting or spasm, my friends just took it and didn't even know about that database

There's an estimate that with severe injuries and death - if it happens immediately and can be connected to the vaccination - the reported numbers are likely much higher. The leading doctor during the outbreak in NYC estimates that vaccine deaths are reported at at least 5% perhaps up to 20% rate, and I would believe that.

I know the database from my studies, but I also know that it is very difficult and time consuming to fill out and that most doctors just don't do it as they do not get paid for it and time is money.

And in the USA alone, there's currently 20,000 vaccine deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries reported by the vaccine. This means by conservative estimate and based on the comparative Harvard study from 2009, and based on actual feedback from leading doctors, that the covid vaccines now have killed and severely injured up to a million people in the USA alone.

And if you stop watching and blindly believing Pfizer sponsored programs and put together 1+1 you can actually observe what's happening

Our governments have accepted all liability rendering the corporations like Moderna (which is even worse than Pfizer) and Pfizer immune to liability, BUT ultimately this means the government absorbs it and they got it wrong.. hence the silencing, hence the coercion to eradicate the control group, the unvaccinated.

They are in a death cult, some knowingly, some unknowingly --- and it is a feedback loop

You think you get sick from the virus, so you take more vaccines. It is the vaccines. They are expressing the dangerous spike protein IN YOUR BODY FFS! what did you think would happen? And they didn't do a tethering study (to see if the protein leaves the injection site) and they haven't done a molecular thermodynamic uptake and expression study on the mRNAs.. that's why some drop dead within 24 hrs and some are fine for months

Anonymous said...

In 2020, amid this so called outbreak, we saw no increase in deaths

In 2021, after mass vaccination we see a global increase of 1-2% mortality

This shouldn't be the case

Death should be highest ahead of a vaccine, especially as viruses over time become less deadly

It IS the vaccines

I'll leave it at that. You either want to live or die

Good luck guys and girls, whoever you think you voted for

Anonymous said...

I think it's more correct to say 'instrument of death' regarding Fauci's name

A sickle when portrayed in the image of the sickle carrying death is the tool to bring about death, not death itself

Anonymous said...

Whatever is going on is indeed scary

Fauci who overlooked and exported all these banned gain of function experiments to China ----- and his last name can loosely be associated with death itself?

We are living in an episode of the twilight zone

Anonymous said...

This is nothing

Get this--->>>

Ted Turner, the founder of CNN(!!) Believes into the extermination of people and even had an end of the world video produced to be broadcasted at the literal end of the World


Anonymous said...

To be more precise, Fauci (see above excerpt) figuratively means "maker of tools of death" which is even scarier!!!

A demon. A biblical demon.

Anonymous said...

Clarification on the new currency they want you to live under by 2030

The new currency, as proposed in project iron grip, will be digital, yes, but and that's important, will have an expiration date based on your social credit score.

That means state party members will be allowed to amass wealth as they'll have a perfect score. Anyone else will live in continuous slavery as you cannot save up and will not own property.

And that's the official plan. What they tell us. Imagine what they don't tell us.

It's so inhumane, so rejected by the population, yet they do it against our expressed will

Their power lies in your passive acceptance and the manipulation of Media, pitting you against each other and using fear to manipulate you

Anonymous said...

Wtf I didn't know this

"Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. "

I looked it up, there Harvard study is here


View the PDF then scroll down to the results. In black and white.

Then go to VAERS it's full of side effects and death and if that truly is just scratching the surface the vaccines must be stopped immediately!

Anonymous said...

Demoralisation and delegitimization of the US military through a hasty clusterfuck of an Afghanistan withdrawal.. betrayal m of partners, weakening of alliances..

Brought to you by Democrats

Anonymous said...

What 3:21am said

Anonymous said...

The great reset is about corporations replacing democracy

Here the official wiki entry of Klaus Schwab, the spokesperson in this great reset that the 100 biggest corporations relentlessly push to get rid of human rights to maximize profit:

"Schwab as publisher of the World Economic Forum's 2010 "Global Redesign" report postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system) and select civil society organizations (CSOs).[27] It argues that governments no longer are "the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage" and that “the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance”. The WEF's vision includes a "public-private" UN, in which certain specialized agencies would operate under joint State and non-State governance systems.[28]

According to the Transnational Institute (TNI), the Forum is hence planning to replace a recognised democratic model with a model where a self-selected group of "stakeholders" make decisions on behalf of the people.[29] The think tank summarises that we are increasingly entering a world where gatherings such as Davos are "a silent global coup d'etat" to capture governance.[30]"

Anonymous said...

Read yourself:


This is absolutely getting insane. They are openly plotting against democracy and talk openly about subverting democracy.

The NY times writes about corporations "fortifying" democracy(changing outcomes to what corporations want)

And Pfizer which overlooks the destruction of western norms and oversees the creation of apartheid states now produced more billionaires on your death and misery than any nation this year

Anonymous said...

The CDC now OKed the 4th covid jab Haha


Who wants to play Russian roulette 4 times in a row?

You have to be absolutely catatonic and brain dead to keep on taking these shots while all this goes on.

And the media lies about ivermectin
Lies about the covid shot being FDA approved (it technically is but legally you get the differently named product that runs under the emergency authorisation act, which means you cannot sue if it turns you into a vegetable)

And they lie to you. Even if the vaccine was great, as lot (!) Of people get sick, they not only bury these stories and take thousands of videos of twitching people from YouTube, BUT to make things worse they don't tell you it's an experimental shot, breaking informed consent, violating Nuremberg codes but to make things forget they make you believe your healthcare provider would cover your potential life altering injuries.. they will not, you'll become a financial burden to your family, which will further destroy the middle class and the economy

Anonymous said...

Take vitamin D, zinc, eat garlic, exercise, get sun, and importantly mingle with people to prime and keep your immune system fit. But if you're too scared that's fine, but do exercise and eat healthy, get good sleep and all that

They purposefully seem to want you to be sick .. the lockdowns destroyed your wealth and the middle class, absolutely devastated small businesses and transferred the wealth in trillions to mega corporations east and west

China's corrupt and our corrupt made off like bankers...

Anonymous said...

Australian cartoonist gets fired for brilliantly comparing Chinese human rights abuses at Tiananmen square with the forced vaccination program


Anonymous said...

I might add: Abuse of FISA program to illegally spy on a political opponent, brought to you by Democrats

Weaponization of FBI to target parents if they dare to speak out against indoctrination and molestation of their children at schools or reject CRT

Miley/ Democrat traitor ADMITTED to treason and helping China, it"s ridiculous what's going on. Hope he gets put in front of a wall before winter

Anonymous said...

Swalwell(D) was literally in bed for years with a Chinese spy

Feinstein(D) had a Chinese spy as chauffeur overhearing countless classified conversations.

Everything that's treasonous and demonic can be traced to the left

Original slave keepers: Democrats

Anonymous said...

Smollett - Democrat Hollywood actor and activist tried to instigate a race war and tried to blame a racial attack on white people. Turned out he paid two blacks to attack him. Was all recorded on video.

Democrat AG let him go the same day

The left, man

Anonymous said...

Operation fast and furious.. Obama gave drug cartels US weapons, and it only got discovered when border agents were gunned down by these weapons

Hillary Clinton, private server violating all security norms, deleted 30,000 subpoenas emails, brought you bengazi, ordered the death of Gaddafi which then destabilising Syria etc

Albright and Kissinger are other beauties of this murderous cult which made China rise, you poor and dependent on them

Anonymous said...

The Clinton admin gave the Chinese the hypersonic missile tech years ago. Now they're overtaking you. Thanks, bill, how the lolita Express was worth it

Oh and it totally wasn't a lie when you said you didn't have sex with Lewinsky in the oval office

Ffs they're liars, schemers, traitors, Nuremberg code violators and dividers

Anonymous said...

Four(!!) Of the Top5 iTunes songs are now "let's go Brandon",ie fuck Joe Biden!!!!!!!

And you STILL cannot make that mental leap to a rigged election.

God bless your little gullible mind :) as if it couldn't happen after they decided to get nationalist trump out and replace him with globalist pusher Biden who on his first day sabotaged your energy supply

Dooohhhh I'm a bit slowwww dooooh

To pull it off they had to give him more votes than trump. So Biden, that walking dead corpse, that pedophile traitor to your values and to your nation, that husk supposedly got 10 million more votes than Obama even

Lol just how far does your stupidity stretch? They did it, just as they now try to end all elections going forward using martial law and the great reset

Anonymous said...

Birx Testifies Trump’s White House Failed to Take Steps to Prevent Covid Deaths

Anonymous said...

That explains a lot what's going on at CNN @401
They'r literally dividing the nation

Anonymous said...

Here comes the shill trying to keep the party above water @ 712 Haha mate, it's adorable what you do...

It's over though, you know this, right?

The left is even losing the culture war now openly. Look at iTunes.. all fuck Biden

It's over

Anonymous said...

He's so adorable. A little parrot.

Anonymous said...

Birx that meth head.. look at her teeth
If you take that meth addict seriously, then you probably also believe Fauci looks out for your health Haha

Anonymous said...

Fred loves to defend the Democrats/modern Nazis

He likes their uniforms, has got their hand gestures and goose step down -- in short, he invested a lot of time to fit in :))

Anonymous said...

A fear grows in Trumpworld: Have we gone too conspiratorial?

Anonymous said...

The Department of Homeland Security issued a warning on Friday: believers in the false conspiracy theory that Trump will be reinstated have increased their calls for violence if the former president isn’t back in the White House soon.

“Some conspiracy theories associated with reinstating former President Trump have included calls for violence if desired outcomes are not realized,” the DHS bulletin, obtained by ABC News, said.

The bulletin went on to say that the recent increase in “public visibility” of liars like the My Pillow guy, Mike Lindell, is the reason for the uptick in violent online chatter.

Lindell continues to relentlessly push the Big Lie that the election was stolen, going so far as to say that he expects the Supreme Court to unanimously rule in favor of reinstating Trump as president in August.

“Over the last few days what has occurred is there’s been much more public visibility, meaning the discussions and these theories have migrated away from being contained within the conspiracy and extremist online communities, to where they’re being the topic of discussion on web forums, or more public web forums, and even within the sort of media ecosystem,” a senior DHS official told ABC News.

The drunk-on-Trump crowd has been triggered so much that Homeland Security says they are concerned about the calls for violence increasing further.

“As public visibility of the narratives increases, we are concerned about more calls to violence… Past circumstances have illustrated that calls for violence could expand rapidly in the public domain and may be occurring outside of publicly available channels. As such, lone offenders and small groups of individuals could mobilize to violence with little-to-no warning,” the bulletin said.

Anonymous said...

Frederick posted at 8:53. Anyone notice that Fred never posts anything pro-Israeli?

His son supposedly was in the IDF. Not only was he in the IDF, but he was in IDF special forces. If you are in a countries military you would think a person would be at least somewhat pro that country. But not Fred. Nary a peep.

Instead of talking about Israel pro or con on an Israel blogpost the creep goes full frontal tard on Trump.


Biden, the idiot, did not get 81 million votes.

Anonymous said...

Fred may be a code name for a foreign entity since the name poster already taken and Anon is also used fairly often

Anonymous said...

"Fred" seems to have your panties bunching up so perhaps the money spent on therapy has been a poor investment.

Anonymous said...

An Amherst man charged in the attack on a police officer amid the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol in Washington, D.C., called his conduct "unequivocally an aberration" and that he was "consumed by the mob mentality."

Thomas Sibick, 35, said he holds former President Trump "ultimately responsible" for what happened when thousands of people swarmed around and in the Capitol with some attacking and injuring police officers.

"January 6th was a disgrace to our nation that left a scar Trump is ultimately responsible for, but we are strong and will heal from it," Sibick wrote to a federal judge requesting to be released on bond from a D.C. jail. "While many praise Trump I loathe him."

Trump's "words and actions are nefarious causing pain and harm to the world," he wrote to U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson.

In his letter to the judge, Sibick refers once to the police officer he is charged with intentionally assaulting and robbing. D.C. Police Officer Michael Fanone was dragged down Capitol steps into a mob of rioters, then tased, beaten with flagpoles and stripped of his gear, according to prosecutors. Sibick has admitted to taking Fanone's badge and radio, burying the badge in his backyard and then lying about it, according to earlier court filings.

"I disagree with what occurred that fateful day, especially the trauma suffered by Officer Michael Fanone, it is without question unconscionable," he wrote the judge.

Anonymous said...

And Frederick R. goes full frontal copy and paste at 9:19

Anonymous said...

You go incognito spewing you shit and get mad when people point out every copy and paste.

PhD and no original thought. Makes me wonder what it took to get that PhD.

Anonymous said...

Gross: Maskless Biden Spits on Woman at McAuliffe Rally (Video)

Anonymous said...

Is it more mature to find an article of interest and then post it here as comment at a site that posts articles of interest OR to spend endless time sniping away with childish insults and schoolyard hectoring and offer nothing of substance for the general reader of this site?

Anonymous said...

I see no video. I see no spit. I see Nothing but a claim by an anonymous person

Anonymous said...

"And in the USA alone, there are currently 20,000 vaccine deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries reported by the vaccine. "

Anonymous said...

Just the ones who believe you Freddy all caps!

Anonymous said...

But Freddy that's how you roll.

Anonymous said...

Come on Freddy.

Anonymous said...

Are we getting sensitive?

Anonymous said...

I like Freddy!

Anonymous said...

Fred doesn't know that, he still listens to Joan Baez.

Anonymous said...

They are ready now. Only Blinken, Obama, and crowd are to stupid to realize it. The repercussions wll be extraordinary. You think a $100 barrel of WTI is possible, try $200-$300 per barrel if this does happen.
The world economy will crash.

Anonymous said...

No. not Joan B. but Judy Collins

Iran to Return to Nuclear Deal Talks in Vienna Next Month - WSJ

Anonymous said...

Ah, the girls are all out like little hornets to try to sting. Get a life and say something grownup for a change. It is possible to overcome a bad upbringing
and a poor education and environment

Anonymous said...

Still dreaming of Joe Hill aren't you Freddy! Come on say educated and grown up! Boy are you a whiner.

Anonymous said...

Hey Fred how's that relationship with the IDF doing? They didn't ask for a DD-214 did they, but I bet your trophy wife can produce one after being around your best friend (Matt) Mathew Ridgeway.

Anonymous said...

ok. now you did your cute little girlie shit. now, the evidence for the claim?

An Oral History of the January 6 Insurrection From Those Who Lived It
now this is what I mean by evidence. presenting data, reality, objective facts. Show Biden spitting on a woman.

Anonymous said...

Nope Freddy, you made your bed now you get to lie in it.

Anonymous said...

The claims of IDF, trophy wife, and Ridgeway were made by you or were you lying ..... again.

Anonymous said...

His son was in the IDF spec ops. Boy seems a bit pudgy .... so ...

IDF as REWMF or tip of the spear, IDC. What matters to me is that his son was in the IDF and Fred does not seem at all pro-Israel. Now, that is just plum curious.

Is Fred, who he says he is?

Anonymous said...

Mommy might get around to telling you to stop being such a yenta and mind your own life and business instead of trying to make others feel bad. Real grownups do not do that.

I know who I am. What I have done. And am happy with me. You clearly are all fucked up. Tell a therapist that it is your parents who are to blame

Anonymous said...

Beast thread ever lol