Sunday, November 7, 2021

Biden Administration Considering Shutting Down Critical Pipeline For Michigan And Canada

Daily Wire: Biden Admin Weighing Shutting Down Oil Pipeline In Michigan As Gas Prices Skyrocket Across U.S.: Report 

Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly gathering data on an oil pipeline in Michigan to determine if shutting it down would further increase fuel prices in the region. 

“Revoking the permits for the [Line 5] pipeline that delivers oil from western Canada across Wisconsin, the Great Lakes and Michigan and into Ontario, would please environmentalists who have urged the White House to block fossil fuel infrastructure, but it would aggravate a rift with Canada and could exacerbate a spike in energy prices that Republicans are already using as a political weapon,” Politico Pro reported. 

“Killing a pipeline while U.S. gasoline prices are the highest in years could be political poison for Biden, who has seen his approval rating crash in recent months.” 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The L5  pipeline is critical to Ontario and Quebec's energy needs. Shutting it down will cause massive oil/gas/and propane shortages, coupled with sky-high prices. If this pipeline is shut down, the blow-back from Canada against the Biden administration will be massive.


Anonymous said...

Environmentalists are nihilistic.
The USA ought to export many to Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

The time of choosing between perceived political power and existence has arrived.

Tasman Gleeson said...

I think the US military would like to drop Biden strapped with a bomb back into Afgahnistan. Drone style.

Unknown said...

The American people are reaping what the Democratic party, establishment media, Intel agencies & FBI have sowed. Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...

///// 08/11/2021 ++++ ATTENTION ++++

Want to wake up? :)

Let me explain it this way:

When you operate at their level, you look at populations.

You deal with force and force escape vectors to move large swaths of captured populations, even against their own self-interests, to get what you want.
And they don't even know.

And they have captured your institutions and largest corporations and have committed to evil.

About 10-50 families, and invididuals, are conspiring against your and my nation state, my rights, your rights, your children, everyone - except them.

They call it the Great Reset and are programming you to ignore all the warning signs, all the things they literally do to have their way with you.

To enslave you in perpetuity.

They are raping your mind, your body and your soul.

And they are errecting camps while setting the precedent to end bodily autonomy and taking over the rights of your children and property too.
And their grip on your mind through programming is so strong that you are in denial.

They are playing with populations like others play billard, they spin you around and around and you don't even know it.
Their wicked craft is so perfect by now that they can set it on autopilot and "trim" the spin of each sub-group/population. And it's been going on for decades.

They despise you because you cannot see them, they think of you as cattle.

I want you to see them.
For when you see, you truly be free. And so will I.

God speed.
Good luck and wake others.

No violence ++ Stand united ++ Help everyone to uncover them ++ Do not give in to false flags ++ Refuse lockdowns, stop the carbon lockdowns, climate change manipulation, the social credit score, and refuse anything that destroys our laws, society and culture! Do not follow evil or you will reap hell!

Anonymous said...

and remember to floss daily

Anonymous said...

Evil is the absence of the light of truth. Very real.

Anonymous said...

get stronger light bulbs