Wednesday, November 3, 2021

British Royal Marines Force US Marines Into Humiliating Surrender Halfway Through A Five-Day War Training Exercise In The Mojave Desert

A comparison of Britain's Royal Marines and the United States Marine Corps, who faced off in the training exercise

Daily Mail: Trounced on home turf: British Royal Marine commandos force US Marines into humiliating surrender halfway through five-day war training exercise in Mojave desert 

* British forces took part in a five-day mock battle at the US Marine Corps' Twentynine Palms base in California 

* Combatants used training ammunition along with hi-tech simulators for heavier firepower like artillery 

* Seeing no opportunity for victory, American combatants asked for the exercise to be 'reset' halfway through 

Royal Marines commandos 'dominated' US troops and forced them into a humiliating surrender just days into a mass training exercise in the Mojave desert, it has been revealed today. 

British forces took part in a five-day mock battle at the US Marine Corps' Twentynine Palms base in southern California, one of the largest military training areas in the world, and achieved a decisive victory against their American counterparts. 

The Royal Marines, along with allied forces from Canada, the Netherlands and the UAE, destroyed or rendered inoperable nearly every US asset and finished the exercise holding more than 65 per cent of the training area, after beginning with less than 20 per cent.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Getting beaten on your own home turf must also hurt.


Anonymous said...

Can't even win at gaming, not good.

B.Poster said...

I'm not sure how much this actually tells us. What were the parameters of the training? We really don't know. It should seem obvious though that the US isn't a hyperpower.

Anonymous said...

Backyard? What percentage of the Marines had been to 29 Palms before?

Like how ImPoster tells a truth (a) followed immediately propaganda(b)?

a = "What were the parameters of the training? We really don't know."

b = "It should seem obvious though that the US isn't a hyperpower."

"Within every elaborate lie, a kernel of truth.”

As good as the troll is, he still sucks at his job.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Bootnecks from Little Britain yomping all over the 'mighty' US Marine Corps.

Anonymous said...

But they are woke.

Anonymous said...

Kinda hard to believe such losses.

RussInSoCal said...

So it was the Brits, Canadians, Dutch and UAE combined against the US Marines in the exercise. /Sounds fair. So little information is provided in the article (for obvious reasons) that it's left to the reader to surmise the pre-set scenario for the war game. Which was probably a surrounded enemy determined to kill and escape.

Which was an unwinnable outcome for the US Marines no matter what they did. Under constrictive rules. The US mil brass loves to do these exercises.

I'm not reading too much into this.



Anonymous said...

Never underestimate Brits, a lesson many nations learned

And perhaps watch Lawrence of Arabia and also Zulu to understand just how long and deep the British empire's experience in desert like environments goes back to

It's not just an island surrounded by water

That little island ruled the world. Has an extremely high amount of Nobel prizes winners etc etc

So it's not an insult to lose against them. It's a 50:50 toss if you're lucky.

Siding with bposter here,

And @1117: a truth remains a truth even if you suspect the messenger is XYZ

Also it was the Brits who had a more orderly and honourable withdrawal from Afghanistan just a few weeks back.

Can they manipulate your mind so easily that you wave the America #1 flag while your bridges crumble and you have internal corrupt traitors who mislead you day by day into the abyss? Of course you lost. You've lost for 20 years straight. On purpose!!!

When you understand that, you'll win again

fazman said...
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B.Poster said...

Where is the propaganda? If the US were a "hyperpower" we would expect it to win under any conceivable scenario. Your post is actually pretty good until you insult me for no good reason.

B.Poster said...

Exactly!! We aren't provided enough information to make any kind of determination on this.

B.Poster said...

I will add if our country's leaders (US) make decisions based upon the faulty assumption that the US is some sort of hyperpower or even a superpower this is potentially very dangerous. Overestimating one's own abilities while underestimating an adversary or potential adversary will likeky go very badly and very quickly. Such reckless behavior on the part of our leadership class places my loved ones as well as all Americans in unnecessary danger.

B.Poster said...

By now anon @ 11:17 should know who the messenger is. I've made it quite easy for him/her to contact me.

Part of finding the truth in any matter is to follow the evidence. Even then we can still get it wrong!! For whatever reason he/she seems incapable of doing the basics by following the evidence.

Anonymous said...

"you wave the America #1 flag while your bridges crumble "

I traveled 2,000 miles in October on US highways and interstates. Pray tell where are the crumbling bridges?

We could find as few in a deep blue city in a deep blue state with a derp blue Democrat president. However the percentage of such bridges compared to the over all stock would be extremely low.

Be Imposter is a Putin fanboy.