Tuesday, November 9, 2021

China's Navy Is Now The Largest Fleet In The World (Update)

Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning underway. PLAN Photo 

 Daily Mail: China now has the world's largest navy - with another new high-tech aircraft carrier set to be launched by February 

* Beijing has 'numerically largest navy in the world with an battle force of around 355 vessels,' Pentagon said 

* Compares with 296 warships at the US Navy's disposal, 69 vessels in Royal Navy and 295 Russian warships 

* Beijing is expected to add a third aircraft carrier in early 2022, to rival American super carriers 

* Pictures from Jiangnan Shipyard show that significant progress was made on the carrier in the last month 

* US leads the world with 11 carriers, UK operates two, including HMS Queen Elizabeth, while Russia owns one

* China's growing threat was underscored today as satellite pictures emerged of mock-ups of a US carrier 

* Defence experts believe the Chinese were using the mock-up, and that of a US destroyer, in wargames 

* Comes amid soaring tension with Beijing after it emerged that it had tested new hypersonic nuclear missile 

China now has the world's largest navy and is preparing to launch a new high-tech aircraft carrier by February, the Pentagon has revealed. 

Beijing has 'numerically the largest navy in the world with an overall battle force of approximately 355 ships and submarines,' the Defense Department said last Wednesday in its annual report on China. 

That compares with 296 warships at the US Navy's disposal, 69 vessels operated by the Royal Navy and 295 boats deployed by the Russian Navy.

Read more .... 

More News On China's Navy Now Being The World's Largest Fleet 

China Has World’s Largest Navy With 355 Ships and Counting, Says Pentagon -- USNI News

 US DoD’s 2021 China Military Power Report: PLAN is the Largest Navy in the World -- Naval News 

China's Military Buildup is Triggering Growing Fears in US Military -- Sputnik


Anonymous said...

Here in heaven not impressed

Jac said...

Impressive? Yes, but the truth is only with fire experience.

Anonymous said...

The West stood by lost in wokery and let it happen. We are doomed.

Anonymous said...

China may have a lot of ships, BUT:
the US Navy has something China will never have!
The US Navy has a ship named after a homosexual predatorHarvey Milk!
And that ship was christened by a man in drag!
Take that, China!

Anon said...

We should suggest to name it after you so everybody will feel delighted