Thursday, November 4, 2021

CIA Director William Burns Is In Russia For A Few Days. Will He Meet Russian President Putin?


TASS: Kremlin spokesman promises to say if Putin receives CIA chief 

On November 2, Burns met with the secretary of Russia's Security Council, Nikolay Patrushev, and director of the foreign intelligence service SVR, Sergey Naryshkin 

MOSCOW, November 3. /TASS/. Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov provided no answer to the question if President Vladimir Putin would have some sort of contacts with the CIA's chief William Burns, who is in Moscow on a visit.

 "The president is out of Moscow. He is in Sochi, where he is working at the moment," Peskov told the media on Wednesday. "If some contacts take place, not private ones, we will let you know."  

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WNU Editor: Russian President Putin is at his residence in Sochi. But if CIA Director Burns does travel to Sochi and has a meeting with Russian President Putin, my gut tells me that it will be a private visit, and we will not know about it.


Anonymous said...

The only way Burns could impress Putin in a positive way is if Trump was a Russian asset or received money or intel from them. Talking to the Russians back channel is not new. Ted Kennedy did it. How you talk to them and about what matters.

Occam's Razor to me means the simplest and correct way to view events is that Hillary had a Russian image problem and so she projected it onto Trump. The Obama White House and the CIA got on board and helped her out. In so doing Brennan destroyed the credibility of the CIA. So the way I see it when Burns goes Moscow to talk to to see Putin, Putin is laughing inside very hard.

How is the VCIA not destroyed? Hannity and others swore up and down that the FBI had a few bad apples at top, but the rank and file was solid. That was 2 years ago. Since then new reports have come out of the FBI's antics and most people no longer believe it. You also do not hear Hannity repeating the few bad apples line. Hannity was wrong and so were we all.

The FBI in Chicago is investigating, who got COVID shots and when. It is some priority list made up by a social climbing, fat fuck of a governor.

Think about it. If the vaccines had been first come first served, vaccination rates would be 90% to 100%. But due to exercising power, Democrats made these huge lists up. The vaccines come out in December and in mid April various state goober tell you that "Oh, BTW, you can get you shot now." At that point who cares? So I got mine a month after that, What was the rush, The peak of the season was past.

FBI investigates private Chicago hospital that prioritized COVID-19 vaccines for ineligible residents and workers at Trump Tower where its CFO lives as well as employees at luxury jewelry shop and high-end steak house where he hung out

Again it would have been better to have 65+ and hospital staff get theirs first and then let it be a free for all.

But the FBI investigating COVID. Having 2/3 rds of all participants in a "plot" (?) be FBI informants? Entrapment is more than a concept. The Point is I do not believe in the FBI anymore. Democrats crushed that. I do not believe in the IRS. Thank you Lois Lerner and her crushed hard drives. Now the USDA is back dooring climate change rules. After using MI6, the Italians and the Australians to go after Trump, I do not believe in the CIA. That and having the assets rolled up in China (Lebanon and Iran too), I do not view them as capable or non-political. Gina Haspel was not really an improvement either.

If Burns sees Putin in Sochi I think Putin will look forward to it. Putin will think here comes the court jester to make me laugh.

PS: All the CIA spying on a US citizens for Hillary. Hear much about the Clinton Initiative? Are people donating anymore to it now that Hillary and Bill are washed up? Thought so!

If the Clinton Initiative is has so much money and doing so much good work, why is Rhodes Scholar Chelsea writing children's book? You would think manage a few billion dollars in investments and allocating money to deserving projects would be a full time job even with staff.

Anonymous said...

Putin would be crazy to meet with Burns. Burn's would probably give Putin some gift designed to poison him, or spy on him at the very least. The CIA is not a friend of Russia by any means.

Anonymous said...

The CIA is not friends to anyone except the American inner party. At this point Banana Republic would be a step up for the US.