Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Commentaries And Analysis On Last Night's U.S. Elections


DNYUZ/New York Times: Democratic Panic Rises as Virginia Loss Exposes the Party’s Failures 

The menacing thunder couldn’t get much louder for Democrats. Few in the party had high hopes that their era of rule in Washington would last beyond the midterm elections next year. 

But the Republican resurgence on Tuesday in Virginia — a state that President Biden won by 10 percentage points last year — and surprising strength in solidly blue New Jersey offer a vivid warning of the storm clouds gathering as Democrats look warily to the horizon.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Democrat pundits and commentators are doubling down that President Biden's agenda must be passed ASAP. That Democrat candidates were punished because they were not delivering on their promises from the 2020 election cycle. 

I think it is more than that.

The Afghan disaster. Inflation. Sky-rocking debt. Covid. The high cost for housing. Homeless and drug epidemic. Broken borders. Crime. Education. National security. Taxes. 

All of these issues are hurting the government in power, and the government in power are the Democrats.

Commentaries And Analysis On Last Night's U.S. Elections  

5 election takeaways: Race in education key in Virginia; an historic night for candidates of color -- USA Today 

5 things we learned from Republicans’ big night -- Politico  

Five takeaways from a grim night for Democrats -- The Hill 

Terry McAuliffe Bet on Voters Hating Trump. Turns Out They Dislike Democrats More -- Politico  

Biden and progressives lead Democrats into the wilderness -- Keith Naughton, The Hill  

Analysis | Watch Out, Democrats. Virginia Is Talking to You -- Washington Post  

Virginia should be a massive wake-up call for the Democrats… but they aren’t listening -- RT  

Democrats misjudge anti-Trump vote in suburban setbacks: The Note -- ABC News  

ANALYSIS: Suburban shifts hand GOP Virginia along with fresh messaging -- ABC News  

Just How Bad Was Last Night for Democrats? -- Joe Cunningham, Red State  

Savoring the brutal election lessons for Democrats -- Thomas Lifson, American Thinker  

Youngkin shocker shows Trump isn't needed to win -- Joe Concha, The Hill  

Youngkin’s Decisive Victory Astonishes Democrats -- David Catron, American Spectator  

Biden, Obama, Harris all strike out for McAuliffe in Virginia -- FOX News  

Youngkin's victory in Virginia doesn't doom midterm Democrats -- MSNBC  

Can Joe Biden Save His Presidency? -- Newsweek


Anonymous said...

They are doubling down, they can't help it.

RussInSoCal said...

The Democrat tone-deafness is deafening. The VA Gube defeat just made Biden a lame duck. It'll take them a while to recognize that fact. Frankly the longer they take to get there, the better.



Anonymous said...

It has been a busy week for Joe Biden.

1) He pooped his pant in front to the Pope.
2) Was sidelined at G20 to the edge of the stage.
3) Fell asleep at COP26
4) Came back to the US to get routed in Virginia and New Jersey.

Seal trainers very, very angry. No sardines for Joe.

Anonymous said...

The worst of your list of plagues won't improve over the next year, in fact likely gets much worse.

Nov 2022 is shaping up to be a a bigger shock. House for sure is lost, but by more than the 63 lost in 2010.

Senate is lost too, but by how much? 10 seats is possible given they lost 6 in 2010.

Issues now are far more economically destructive than Obamacare.
I'm going there, House losses exceed 70 seats.
Senate losses exceed 10 seats.

Anonymous said...

12:03 made a prediction. Awesome. It would be nice, if they had a handle, because the Delphi Method is such fun. We shall see.

Anonymous said...

"In the online world, a handle is another word for a username. It can refer to the name you use in chat rooms, web forums, and social media services like Twitter.

The term "handle" dates back to the 1970s and comes from Citizens Band radio (CB radio), a short distance radio communications medium. CB radio users would identify themselves by unique nicknames, which became known as handles. When online chat became popular in the 1990s, the term "handle" transferred to the Internet and became a common way for users to identify themselves online."

Anonymous said...

Trolling seems to have dropped off. Are some people in shock and mourning after last night's shellacking? Are foreign troll awaiting a new narrative?