Saturday, November 6, 2021

Covid Vaccines Are Losing Significantly Their Effectiveness With Time

L.A. Times: Study shows dramatic decline in effectiveness of all three COVID-19 vaccines over time 

As the Delta variant became the dominant strain of the coronavirus across the United States, all three COVID-19 vaccines available to Americans lost some of their protective power, with vaccine efficacy among a large group of veterans dropping between 35% and 85%, according to a new study. 

Researchers who scoured the records of nearly 800,000 U.S. veterans found that in early March, just as the Delta variant was gaining a toehold across American communities, the three vaccines were roughly equal in their ability to prevent infections. But over the next six months, that changed dramatically. 

Read more ....  

Update: Study Reveals 'Dramatic' Decline In All Three COVID-19 Vaccines' Efficacy Over Time (Zero Hedge).  

WNU Editor: This is sobering (from L.A. Times): ....

 .... By the end of September, Moderna’s two-dose COVID-19 vaccine, measured as 89% effective in March, was only 58% effective. 

The effectiveness of shots made by Pfizer and BioNTech, which also employed two doses, fell from 87% to 45% in the same period. 

And most strikingly, the protective power of Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine plunged from 86% to just 13% over those six months. 

The findings were published Thursday in the journal Science .... SARS-CoV-2 vaccine protection and deaths among US veterans during 2021 (Science).


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing just like last year that Texas and Florida will have mild winters (mass exposure) and California will see a huge spike (avoidance/ vaccine reliance).

Anonymous said...

Don't take them. It was an IQ test a test ago, now it's just going for Darwin awards.

And don't worry if you took it, some people got tricked and many more coerced.

We will trial them for all of us.

fazman said...

BFD ..yearly booster ,just like you do with your flu shot already.

Anonymous said...

Fazman you're fooling noon

The flu shot has 1/30th the death rate and injury rate.

You also lied about the apartheid state being erected in Australia, you bootlicker

Anonymous said...

Don't you see how Pfizer pays for all news now and prepares you for what's to come?
People are dropping from the vaccines from myocarditis/ other heart issues and blood clotting

But they now push all sorts of news from "it's normal that even young people get heart infarcts" and even clock changes prepare you now for heart issues

Anonymous said... is noticing it too @globalists desperation

Anonymous said...

It's all on

anon said...

Fazman digs his hole ever deeper. He showed some sign of intelligence before the Australian government passed the bill that allows them to spy on its citizens social media accounts and even adopt the identity of the person they are spying on and change whatever they have written. Isn't that so fazman?

Sam said...


Anonymous said...

There have been articles by various scientific types writing that natural immunity is best. The article here is lending credence to their commentary.

B.Poster said...

Further complicating things these vaccines are also very, very dangerous in the short to mid term and we still have no degree of certainty as to the long term effects of these vaccines. While the vaccines may be right for some, a person should be very circumspect about taking these.

If the primary concern is the health and w4lfare of people, it seems irrational, impulsive, and downright stupid to force these on people. If there's another agenda at work, this could explain the shrillness. Finally, we're exempting so many groups from vaccine mandates the ones we have in place or are trying to implement aren't going to be effective at stopping the virus any way.

Anonymous said...

Postman: did you get the vaccine, as the editor here did?
yes or no

B.Poster said...

I've actually answered this question before. I got the vaccine. I've done some international travel where it's required and plan to do more. Without the vaccine this would've been problematic. Also, want a professional license or need to renew it? I have one as a Certified Public Accountant and based upon the current trajectory the licensing authorities are going to require vaccination at some point in order to maintain my license. Fortunately I live in TX a "red state" so the governor has been able to stall this. My family needs the income so it's going to be problematic to sacrifice my license to "make a point." Once the mandate comes, practicing CPAs in TX will be given very little time to comply with the mandate. I know how this regulatory body operates!! Additionally I interact with large numbers of "high risk" people on a regular basis and I have family members who are "high risk." With these factors considered I got the vaccine.

From the beginning I've realized this vaccine carries with it major risks but I trusted the medical profession who suggested and administered the vaccine. Since that time more has been learned. Deliberately or not they VASTLY understated the risks while under stating the benefits. Knowing what is known now at the time I probably would not have taken the vaccine. This would have meant not engaging in the international travel. At this time, I will not be taking a booster. Perhaps the vaccine manufacturers can improve their product. The regulators may force me to take the booster or lose my family's income. This gets very challenging. In such a case, I will do what I always do which is prayerfully consider my situation and that of my family and try and make the best decision.

Thank you for asking. I hope this answers your question.

Anonymous said...

it does. thank you, Postman. If you get the vaccine, you do not get very ill and you do not die. simple as that and data shows this. To refuse it is to roll the dice. You don't need rubber to avoid pregnancy but it sure helps

Anonymous said...

Ask yourself this

Why coerce people to take a drug even scientists say doesn't work and likely causes more problems?

Because it's not about your health

It's about their power over you

You were about to break their grip over your mind by turning off more and more of their channels

With covid they got you right back in and hooked your body too

Don't take these drugs

You're witnessing pure evil and the drugs are your masters way of keeping you chained

B.Poster said...

I meant "while overstating the benefits."

B.Poster said...

Anon (2:23),

I know someone who died from complications from the vaccine and two close contacts know young ladies who are now sterile as complications from the vaccine. Also, I have several clients and relatives who informed me they gpt very sick after being vaccinated. While the risk/reward for some people likely suggests they should take the vaccine, many would be "rolling the dice" by getting a vaccine for a disease that isn't likely to significantly affect them if they get it.

If you had bothered to do your own research and followed the "data," you would know such things. The msm and the leadership class know this. This is why they discourage you from doing this. I have respect for a frightened flight attendant who understands the risks of this vaccine, realizes it likely isn't right for her, but still takes it because she needs the income to feed and care for her children. Essentially she has "rolled the dice." We pray she doesn't suffer long range harm. I do NOT respect people who blindly follow the messaging of the leadership class and the msm.

Bottom line: the vaccine may be the right decision for you. Prayerfully consider your situation. As for me, I "rolled the dice" by taking it. At this point, I'm more informed and will NOT do it again. Maybe the manufacturers can improve their product.

Anonymous said...

Why coerce people to take a drug even scientists say doesn't work and likely causes more problems?
anon: please cite names, links to that statement

B.Poster said...

"Why coerce people to take a drug..." The "science" is somewhat divided. In such a situation, prudence would suggest hit "pause" and take the time to properly study this. Instead of being prudent and following common sense the leadership class rushes headlong into forcing the vaccine on people. Either they're very, very stupid or there's another agenda.

Anonymous said...

wrong! Poster
there is NO divided opinion in the medical/science places. none. one or two doctors gave out the crap horse drink and now are in trouble.

Anonymous said...

You realise that even Congress took ivermectin, yeah?

People are so dumb
Everyone I know got sick from the vaccine. You gotta be a special kind of stupid to believe the government and media

Oh this time they won't lie, I'm sure dooooh after they lied to me 100 times before dooooh give me that experimental drug doooooooh

Anonymous said...

Only a person who is asleep or willfully ignorant is surprised by that finding.

The following revealing facts apply to all of us …

"If you've ever wondered whether you would have complied during 1930s Germany, now you know." -- Banner of a Covid-19 protester

The saying goes “SEEK the truth and you shall find it” –and NOT that you find the truth by passively ACCEPTING what authorities tell you is the “truth” like herd animals unthinkingly obey their shepherds' orders. Yet almost nobody ACTIVELY SEEKS the truth, they only PASSIVELY ACCEPT as “truth” what the authorities tell them and so become UNthinking members of "herd stupidity."

Do YOU actually SEEK the truth or are you a mindless member of "herd stupidity"?

Study “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” at

You can ONLY see the official lies IF you SEEK the truth.... it means you must LOOK "behind the curtain" -- behind the official narratives.

"The inhumane abominations, issued by the highly credentialed professional class of psychopaths-in-control and their lauded sycophantic minions, of “No Jews Allowed” and “No Colored People Allowed” of yesterday is the “No Unvaccinated People Allowed” of today." (from cited article)

B.Poster said...

If you mean Ivermectin by "crap horse drink," I know two people who have successfully used this to treat COVID-19 when other options weren't working and I know of three other people who have reported success with it. I also have it on very good authority that some physicians tried to make public the benefits of Ivermectin but were censored.

If someone is "in trouble" it's likeky because they defied the leadership class in this instance. Fortunately we have other ways to obtain this wurhout going through the medical profession. I do have some empathy for a physician who won't prescribe Ivermectin because they've spent vast sums of money on a medical degree, are now deeply in debt bruiser of this, and need the income from their medical practice to feed their families while knowing they risk losing their medical license if they defy the licensing agencies. I do NOT have empathy for those who blindly follow the leadership class and the main stream media.

Treatment options such as Ivermectin and HCQ are likely not right for everyone but they are viable options for many abd should be actively promoted. Had this been done so from the beginnig I believe many lives would've been saved and vast sums of money would've been saved as well. Essentially Ivermectin and HCQ have huge upside benefit along with virtually no medical downside risks. The "risk" appears to be to those pushing unsafe, very expensive, and improperly tested drugs and/or those who have other agendas.

Anonymous said...

Compare those who are dead who had the vaccine with those who died who had not had the vaccine.
Remember to view to those with serious medical conditions and age.
can you cite evidence that more die with the vaccine than those who died without the vaccine?
post evidence
now what do you do: get or not get the vaccine

Mrs Fazman said...

Stop picking on Fazman!
address the issue and stop attacking a lovely man, a great neighbor, a worthy citizen, a delight to children