Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Election Bloodbath For U.S. Democrats


Daily Mail: Welcome home, Joe! Stoney-faced Biden REFUSES to comment on Republican Glenn Youngkin's stunning victory over McAuliffe in Virginia's governor race - ending GOP's 12-year losing streak in statewide races and leaving Democrats in serious trouble 

* Glenn Youngkin pulled off a stunning upset to beat Democrat Terry McAuliffe, with a 2.1 lead for the Republican with 99 percent of the vote counted. Youngkin, 54, is the state's first red Governor since 2009 

* Another stunner is pending in NJ where GOP candidate Jack Ciattarelli has narrow lead over Gov. Phil Murphy 

* Votes are widely viewed as a referendum on Joe Biden's presidency, and defeat will jangle Democrat nerves * Biden won by 10 points in Virginia and by 16 points in New Jersey in the presidential election just a year ago 

* Biden looked shattered as he arrived at Andrews Air Force Base after the COP climate summit in Scotland 

A shattered Joe Biden arrived back at the White House in the early hours of Wednesday morning following his COP26 climate change trip to Europe to find a party in disarray after a thundering win for the Republicans in Virginia and dismal performances for top Democrats across the country. 

Glenn Youngkin pulled off a stunning upset to beat Democrat Terry McAuliffe, with a 2.1 lead for the Republican with 99 percent of the vote counted. 

Youngkin, 54, is the state's first red Governor since 2009.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Youngkin’s Virginia win jolts Democrats, tight race in NJ (AP)  

Update #2: Republicans jolt Biden with Virginia win, stronger than expected New Jersey showing (Reuters)  

WNU Editor: The pundits are trying to explain this .... Five takeaways from a grim night for Democrats (The Hill). More here .... 5 things we learned from Republicans’ big night (Politico). 

The Democrats will say this changes nothing, and they will continue to push the Biden agenda .... Dems vow to plow forward on Biden agenda, even after election faceplants (Politico). 

The Republican establishment are probably the most surprised by these results, and will reassess what needs to be done to win back Congress in 2022 .... House GOP campaign arm expands target list after brutal night for Dems (The Hill). 

Former President Trump has to gloat. The Democrats tried to make him the issue in this election cycle .... Trump gloats as Virginia results come in (The Hill). More here .... Trump: McAuliffe blew Virginia race by making it about ‘Trump, Trump, Trump’ (NYPost). 

As to what is my take. 

The Democrats galvanized the Trump base to vote by saying the election was all about Trump. The Republican candidates focused on former Republican voters and independents to vote on the issues, and the Democrat traditional minority voting base either stayed home or voted for the Republicans. 

Bottom line. 

If yesterday was the 2022 midterm elections, it would have been a historic loss for all Democrat candidates in all races across much of the U.S..


Anonymous said...

"Democrat traditional minority voting base either stayed home or voted for the Republicans. "

Republicanism is for everyone,

Democratism is about slavery and returning the feudalism.

It is no accident that talk of a neo-feudalism happens, when Democrats gain near total control.

Anonymous said...

If a gun toting and boasting black women can win state wide as AG in Virginia, yes it would have been a historic national defeat if this was a national election.
As is what gets better for the Dems between now and Nov 2022?
Economy? Inflation? Marxist insanity in DC? illegals flooding the nation from Afghanistan and south of the border? Debacle from Afghanistan?
Those all get worse.

I expect Nov 2022 will be even more of a historic defeat. Now fence setter quality repubs will enter senate races they might have passed. More competitive senate races.
Much worse for Dems than 2010 or 1998.

Anonymous said...

"Youngkin's Win Proves White Ignorance Is Powerful Weapon" - Ja'han Jones, MSNBC

Leave it to a liberal to lie and play the race card.

Also, far be it for a liberal to admit that the policies they push are divisive and wrong.

For example their transsexual policy is wrong. The lying for weeks about rape and siccing the FBI on outraged parents was wrong.

The Schoolboard lied about the rape.

The Schoolboard lied about not being able to investigate. They cannot investigate while the police are collecting evidence, The police were done in 24 hours. In 3 over months the schoolboard did not investigate. Mind over matter. The school board did not mind because it was not their family and so it did not matter.

The schoolboard merely transferred the student to another school (i.e. they swept it under the rug).

The school board equated getting load with terrorism.

The Schoolboard association or whatever called parents terrorists. I hope they meet real terrorists that Biden brought in. I have real doubts that the FBI or the rest of the FEDs can track anyone not named Smith or Jones.

Then there is the whole CRT issue, which would need whole libraries to list all the sins of liberals.

Anonymous said...

11:17 has valid points.

"As is what gets better for the Dems between now and Nov 2022?
Economy? Inflation?"

There is panic buying in China.

What are the odds there will be panic buying in American before November 2022?

Anonymous said...

I hope the Libs never change, Let's go Brandon!

Anonymous said...

Indeed it doesnt change anything. After coup attempts ,and rigged elections does anybody think the red left is just gonna pack up,and go home. Phhft