Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Europe Is Putting Up Border Walls And Fences

Zero Hedge: Visualizing Europe's Border 'Fences' 

Poland’s plan to build a fence at its border to Belarus to deter migrants would close one of the last major gaps in Eastern European border barriers. Statista's Katharina Buchholz notes that, based on data gathered by Deutsche Welle, the Baltic states as well as Norway and Ukraine are already in the process of or have completed closing off critical parts of their borders with Russia and/or Belarus.  

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WNU Editor: Europe is not alone. Check out all the border walls and fences around the world from the graphic below. (Graphic from As migration is rising, so are border barriers (DW))


Anonymous said...


The plot to take over the World and usher in the Great Reset thickens.

Apparently, the ruling class has made up their mind to combine their "viral outbreak" story with "climate change".


They will tell you that a new virus has emerged because of, you guessed it, climate change.

They will tell you that you have no choice but locking down again, and this time it will be combined with climate change.

They have already indoctrinated they youth to become violent towards ANYONE who opposes their climate change narrative.

NOW that the vaccination scam is up and scientists no longer accept to be silenced, they have to find another way.

They will say a new virus emerged from perma-frost and is killing us all unless we lock down, accept the carbon and social credit system, ie. their neofeudalist system of which party members are excempt.

Watch these ghouls and their activities closely. Monitor their every move, put them under house arrest if need be.

THEY are the ones financing this terror
THEY are the ones propagating lies through the media, pitting us against another
THEY are the ones flying around in private planes while you are locked down

No more.

We will not be enslaved by you corrupt traitors to huamnity and our nations!

Anonymous said...

And again, so no one doubts my intentions

ALWAYS do it legally, peacefully

In some states/ countries you are allowed to make citizen arrests if you have evidence.

It is perfectly legal to voice your opinion and resist illegal, tyrannical mandates wg in the United states per the constitution they try to abolish calling it racist.

Do not use violence.

Do not be tricked by investigators and false flags!

Do not give in to fear and hate your neighbour.

They're using fear against us to pit us against another and divide us and push for tyrannical laws.

The borders are always coming up in takeovers for a fake reason given or a crisis used.

Watch what they do to YOUR rights!

Do not allow censorship by those who claim they know better

Do not allow any further transgression of your rights and consolidation of power

They are enslaving you

Anonymous said...

For those who actually want a grown up conversation based on actual government and whistle blower data (so a good 360 view), watch today's David Knight show on the vaccine death and injury data.

He gives a detailed overview at the start of the show AND shows you exactly where the data comes from. CNN doesn't do that. They tell you to be a good Guinea pig and stop asking questions.

It might save your life
