Friday, November 5, 2021

Iran Celebrates The Seizing Of The US Embassy 42 Years Ago

People watch as a U.S. flag is set on fire during the 42nd anniversary of the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran on November 4.  

RFE: Iranians Rally On Anniversary Of 1979 Takeover Of U.S. Embassy  

Thousands of Iranians have attended the government-organized commemorations of the 1979 seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel," and burning U.S. and Israeli flags. 

The embassy takeover sparked a 444-day hostage crisis and a break in diplomatic relations between the two countries that continues today. 

State television on November 4 said that 800 cities across Iran staged demonstrations. Last year, the authorities canceled the event due to the coronavirus pandemic.  

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WNU Editor: Most Iranians were not even born when this event occurred. 

 Iran Celebrates The Seizing Of The US Embassy 42 Years Ago  

US Embassy takeover Great Satan's defeat of Iranian nation -- MEHR News Agency (Iran) 

Iran marks anniversary of 1979 takeover of US Embassy -- AP  

Iran marks US Embassy takeover amid soaring tensions -- Al-Monitor 

'40 Wars in 40 Regions': IRGC Chief Condemns US Policies on Anniversary of Tehran Embassy Seizure -- Sputnik


Anonymous said...

The US Navy had the perfect opportunity last week to sink a few Iranian boats when they threatened a US destroyer and threated its safety. But no, the Woke Navy and balless fleet prefers not to fight against foreign foes, but instead purge the Naval service of enemies of the Dempcrap party.

Anonymous said...

there are no dem or rep on ship just one enemy those who are a threat to the ship