Friday, November 5, 2021

Iran Says It Has Enriched Over 210 Kilograms Of Uranium To 20% Ahead Of Vienna Talks

Photojournalists take pictures of an Iranian technician walking at the Isfahan Uranium Conversion Facilities (UCF), 420 kms south of Tehran, 03 February 2007. © AFP / Behrouz Meri  

Times of Israel: Iran boasts of boosting its stockpile of 60% enriched uranium to 25 kg 

As nuclear talks set to resume, IAEA warns of limited access while Iranian atomic agency brags that only countries ‘with nuclear arms’ are able to enrich uranium at such levels 

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran said it has almost doubled its stock of enriched uranium in less than a month, as it prepares to resume talks with world powers on curbing its nuclear program. 

Meanwhile, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency warned on Thursday that its oversight capabilities in Iran are being weakened. 

“We have more than 210 kilograms of uranium enriched to 20 percent, and we’ve produced 25 kilos at 60%, a level that no country apart from those with nuclear arms are able to produce,” said Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi, in a report carried by the semi-official Tasnim and Fars news agencies.  

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More News On Iranian Claims That It Has Enriched Over 210 Kilograms Of Uranium To 20%

20% enriched uranium stockpile exceeds 210 kg -- MEHR News Agency (Iran)  

Iran says has enriched over 210 kilograms of uranium to 20% -- AP

Iran claims it's almost doubled stockpile of enriched uranium with nuclear talks set to resume -- CBS/AFP  

Iran increases enriched uranium stockpile ahead of Vienna talks -- Al-Monitor  

Iran reveals increase in 60% enriched uranium stockpile -- RT


Jac said...

Iran will agree on negotiation as soon it has the nuclear weapon.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for it all to go up in radioactive smoke.