Saturday, November 6, 2021

Is The U.S. Political, Military And Intelligence Establishment Turning Against President Biden?

President Biden at the Pentagon  

Paul Ryder, Counter Punch: Biden Defied the Military Establishment: Is the Kennedy-Nixon Rule Still in Effect? 

In a 2020 essay, “Removing a president without an election,” I described attempts to remove five presidents in the middle of a term: Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump. 

Kennedy and Nixon, the two presidents whose terms were cut short, had made the mistake of defying the U.S. military establishment, on Cuba and Vietnam respectively. The other eleven modern presidents subordinated themselves and served their full terms in office unmolested. Even Trump, who hurled vulgar insults at the military, ended up doing what they wanted. Every time he signed an order that was out of line, they talked him out of it, delayed it, changed it, ignored it, or lied to him by saying they had carried it out. 

At the core of the military establishment are the Pentagon, big tech firms and weapons manufacturers led by Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, and General Dynamics. Elsewhere in the government, it includes the Congress, Supreme Court, White House, Departments of Energy, State, Treasury, and Homeland Security, CIA, FBI, National Security Agency, and fifteen other intelligence agencies, AID, and the National Endowment for Democracy. Playing supporting roles are big media, foundations, think tanks, universities, consultants, Democratic and Republican parties, and private security services contractors.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: President Biden got a big win today .... U.S. Congress Passes Massive $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill

But the media narrative on President Biden has definitely changed in the past few months, and it is having an impact. Since the beginning of summer President Biden's approval numbers have been consistently lower than President Trump's at this point in their Presidencies (link here).


Anonymous said...

Insert your Kennedy conspiracy theories here.

Church hearings be damned.

Anonymous said...

Skip the hearings if they fill the camps or force vaccinate or any of these human rights violations.

Straight to the trials now with these monsters.

And the punishment for crimes larger than Hitler committed- not just by them- is obvious.

The prime minister of new Zealand
The prime minister of Australia
And Joseph Biden and many others

Have conspired against nation states from yours to mine,

Have conducted and tried to legalise mass human experimentation, not only injuring scores and killing many in the process, not only coercing people into this BUT LIED TO YOU FROM TESTING TO TREATMENT ON TOP

They're monsters.
I get goosebumps just looking at these creatures.

What they tried to do...

They played God.. they truly did, and the corruption on top, the mass murder and human rights violations, and the treason

It's just..
Hold the trials

Jac said...

It's possible that Military and Intelligence are more and more afraid of a President with dementia.