Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Russia And Ukraine Deny Western Media Reports Of A Russian Military Buildup Near Border

Al Jazeera: Moscow, Kyiv deny reports of Russian military buildup near border 

US media alleged that Russia is massing military units along the frontier, but the rivals, which are locked in a simmering conflict, dismiss the claim. 

Russia has denied media reports that it is massing military units near its border with Ukraine. 

Tuesday’s rebuttal came after the United States-based Politico news outlet reported that commercial satellite photos taken on Monday “confirmed” recent reports that Russia is once again building up troops and military equipment along the frontier, having done so before earlier in the year.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Both sides are confirming that this is fake news .... Growing Western Concerns On Russian Troop Movements Near Ukraine Border (October 30, 2021)  

Update: I wonder if there is a connection .... Ukraine's Defense Minister Resigns Ahead Of Expected Cabinet Reshuffle (RFE). 

 More News On Russia And Ukraine Denying Western Media Reports Of A Russian Military Buildup Near Border  

Ukraine denies Russia border build-up as defnce minister quits -- France 24  

Ukraine denies report of Russian troop buildup near its borders -- Reuters  

Kremlin denies media report about Russian troop buildup near Ukraine -- Reuters  

Kremlin responds to claims Russian troops are 'massing' on border with Ukraine -- RT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear beloved Vaccine,
I love you so, so eternally much.

You make me grow and spread,
To every corner of the land.

And my dear beloved Fear,
Without you - I am certain -
I wouldn't be here.

And my dearest,
Most treasured,
Most valued Censorship.
How I do cherish you most.
The darkness you help spread,
The evil you permit,
We just were meant to be together.

Yours forever,

The Great Reset