Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Election Shocker In Two U.S. Governor Elections

Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: Republican Youngkin opens big lead over Democrat McAuliffe in Virginia race with 70% of votes counted: Biden braces for earthquake in state he won by 10 points 

* With 48% of precincts reporting, Youngkin leads his opponent by 12%, 55.7% to 45.7%, or about 185,000 votes 

* A loss has been chalked up to potential disaster for Biden and Democrats heading into the 2022 midterms 

* The president said Tuesday his agenda succeeding or failing does not indicate whether Democrats will do well or not in local and federal-level elections 

 * On Tuesday, Virginians began lining up at polling places to cast their ballot despite some light rain 

* McAuliffe and Youngkin traversed the Virginia as the nation turns its focus to the heated governor's race 

* McAuliffe tried to tie his GOP challenger to Donald Trump in an effort to deter independent voters 

All eyes are on Virginia as Republican Glenn Youngkin takes the edge over Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the race for governor. Though the race hasn't been called, with 71% of precincts reporting, Youngkin leads his opponent by about 10%, 54.5% to 44.9%, or about 220,000 votes. 

Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel put out a statement declaring Youngkin victorious and congratulating him on the win. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The above two screenshots were taken at 22:00 EST. It looks like Virginia has completely flipped to the Republicans. 

The results in New Jersey are a shocker with the race being this close with 40% of the vote already counted. I still expect Governor Murphy to be re-elected in New Jersey, but who ever thought this was going to happen.


Anonymous said...

The bigger picture is this: They have managed to destroy your trust in institutions.
Not just through incompetence, corruption.. You are being actively mislead, is my best educated guess. You are pit against another.

If Republicans win, Democrats won't believe
If Democrats win, Republicans won't believe

And as soon as the first people start fighting, those who have mislead you, those who have divided you purposefully for now decades (education cycle takes about 20 years), THOSE will use the "crisis" to install Martial Law.

You have already allowed the precedent to let the government dictate over your bodily autonomy. They won't even have to release a killer virus on you, you handed over your rights for which other generations before you died, so easily.

Not all of you. Many of you are literal heroes, resisting the mob at the risk of losing your livelihood, not being able to feed your family during an economic downturn.

Hats off to you.

The others: Stand the fuck up, you absolute lemmings
Legally. Morally. UNITED!

No more censorship.
No more lies.
No more blacked out Pfizer contracts.
No more number games about the deaths and injuries.

This either ends peacefully by us coming together and resisting them, OR, if they manage to pit us against another, call each other traitors etc, they will win.

We must UNITE.

It cannot wait.
Talk to your neighbours. Discuss what you have heard.

And if you are scared, you can do it on the phone, or like in an open-room scenario with open windows, or even outside, with distance and all you need.

You are risking everything based on an experimental drug, they in their own words say they do not know if it is safe. Just turn your brain ON!!!! and CNN off! Fox OFF! MSNBC off!

Only talk to those you trust. Friends. Neighbours. Family. Colleagues, whoever you think are not just smart but follow where the facts lead them, even if it both Trump and Biden, or Fauci is a saint. I don't care. Follow the facts.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Niiiiiiice-ah! So far.

Anonymous said...

Choke, miss nancey. Choke.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This just proves Biden was the most popular presidential candidate in the history of presidential candidates.

Anonymous said...

To top it off the Braves take the World Series....

Anonymous said...

Look at the country with no results in south New Jersey. It is the country which has Camden, which is a very dangerous city. It is a cesspool, It is the place from which Corey Booker crawled out.

Corey Booker is the male equivalent of Kamala. the press builds him up, but there is no there there.

Anonymous said...

Biden “won” only 16% of counties, a historic low number of counties by a supposed “winner” of a national election.

Biden won even fewer counties than Obama — but they claim he had more votes than Obama?

Anonymous said...

And the commissioner has to give them the trophy in Georgia!