Friday, November 5, 2021

Russia Halts Coal Exports To Ukraine, Cancels Power Auction, And Decrases Natural Gas Supplies.

The suspension of coal deliveries comes as Ukraine's own stockpiles are already low heading into winter.  

RFE: Triple Threat? Russia Halts Coal Exports To Ukraine, Cancels Power Auction Amid Gas Crisis 

For months, critics have accused Russia of withholding additional natural-gas shipments to Europe via Ukraine in order to pressure Brussels to fast-track its new Baltic Sea export pipeline, Nord Stream 2. 

Once it receives final approvals, the pipeline to Germany will enable Russia to reroute gas exports to Europe around Ukraine, depriving the cash-strapped country of billions of dollars a year in transit fees.

In the meantime, the energy crunch in Europe has helped drive natural-gas prices to record highs, denting energy-intensive economies like that of Ukraine, which imports one-third of its gas needs. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: Foreign minister: Russia continues to blackmail, use gas as weapon in international relations (Kyiv Post)  

Update #2: Ukraine faces energy crisis as Putin weaponizes gas and coal supplies (Atlantic Council)  

WNU Editor: This situation just makes my blood boil. Before the 2014 Maiden Revolution Russia was exporting electricity and natural gas supplies to Ukraine at heavily subsidized prices. 

I always joked with my relatives in Ukraine that I was paying their energy bills. 

It is a different story today. 

Ukraine is suffering continuous energy interruptions and prices are at crippling levels. And there are no signs that this crisis is going to end anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

And Russia has neutered Europe.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the Bear. Nato in Ukraine is war. Keep your kids home.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine government had better stop their war talk and action against Russia. better they grow close to Russia, the West is a sinking ship.