Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Virginia Governor Election - Live Updates


Virginia Governor Election - Live Updates  

Virginia Election Results 2021 | Live Map Updates - Politico  

Live Results: Virginia Governor race (NPR) 

Live AP results: Virginia governor's race (The Hill) 

Live Updates: It's Election Day in several key states (CNN)  

2021 Elections: Live Updates And Results -- FiveThirtyEight


Anonymous said...

The codes are beamed to the My Pillow Guy and then to Nicholas Maduro and then to Tony Montana and then to BARFSACK OCRUMBO.

And that's how the ANTIFA thug plane stole another election for the dumbocrats.

In conclusion, America is a land of contrasts and Nuremberg codes.

Anonymous said...

For those who actually want a grown up conversation based on actual government and whistle blower data (so a good 360 view), watch today's David Knight show on the vaccine death and injury data.

He gives a detailed overview at the start of the show AND shows you exactly where the data comes from. CNN doesn't do that. They tell you to be a good Guinea pig and stop asking questions.

It might save your life


Anonymous said...

Researchers In Peer-Reviewed Study Call For “IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL of mRNA COVID Vaccines For Use in Pregnancy, Those Breastfeeding, Those Of Childbearing Age and Children”

Dipshit (8:49) should get an education.

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

Who’s winning? Dem or rep? I’m working and don’t have time to watch

Anonymous said...

Fairfax counting is running the Democrat playbook. They are rescanning ballots and will delay reporting. They will delay vote totals until after the 8 PM deadline.

Another Day, same Democrat Bullshit

They will delay and delay until they figure out how many votes McAuliffe needs.

Another STOLEN election!

All read counties should delay giving vote totals until the Democrat Machines are willing to upload their stuffed ballot boxes simultaneously.

Anonymous said...

All red counties ...

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

I kinda thought it would be another rigged election

Anonymous said...

It's the global reset

No more actual elections, you cattle

No more human rights

No more property, they'll make you take the vaccine and if you post a message that you got sick they'll take it down and call you terrorist or conspiracy theorist

It's insane what they've gotten away with so far and they've got 8 more years for their terror & enslavement plans to go

Anonymous said...


Youngkin is ahead by about 170,000 votes. I will not be surprised when Fairfax county reports way, way after all the other counties do and erases and flips that margin.

It is the new Democrat Party normal of stealing elections in broad daylight,

Anonymous said...


Methinks you giveth too much intelligence to the dim party. Remember there are more votes than fingers on their hands. They are doomed this time.

RussInSoCal said...

Youngkin wins VA. GOP takes Virginia State House. Good!

AP just called it for Youngkin. Probably all figuring the theft would be too blatant, the retribution too bloody, if they suddenly claim 2/3 of the absentee went for MacAuliffe.

/Welcome back to Virginia, Joe Brandon.

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

I think your right….an election theft here would be way too obvious