Friday, December 10, 2021

Ceasefire Talks Break Between Russia And Ukraine

Reuters: Russia and Ukraine trade blame as ceasefire push breaks down

 KYIV/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Ukraine and Russia blamed each other after a push to agree a new ceasefire in eastern Ukraine broke down late on Thursday as tensions over a Russian troop buildup near its southern neighbour persisted. 

Ukraine said Moscow had rejected a series of its proposals, including prisoner swaps, reopening a checkpoint and expanding a joint communications centre. 

Ukrainian troops have battled Russian-backed forces in its east since 2014. 

"Unfortunately, all initiatives of the Ukrainian side were rejected by the Russian Federation under contrived pretexts," a statement by Ukraine's delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG), which also includes Russia and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), said.  

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WNU Editor: These talks were doomed from the start. The current mood in the Kremlin is that the Ukraine government is pursuing a policy to eradicate the Russian language and culture in Ukraine .... Russia Ukraine: Putin compares Donbas war zone to genocide (BBC).


Stephen Davenport said...

Funny I didnt know Ukrainians had to speak and think Russian, I must have missed than in the Russian Handbook

Anonymous said...

How different is Russian culture than Ukrainians culture? Do Russians worship Satan and Ukrainians Jesus? That different?

Culture. Do they celebrate Christmas differently? Germans are weird compared to Americans. Traditionally they put up their Christmas trees on Christmas Eve and take them down on the 6th. Twelve days of Christians and all that. Americans start the Christmas season the day after Thanksgiving or Halloween now. Mission creep. Obviously, the differences between German and the US should result in a crusade. Are Russian and Ukrainians cultural difference deep seated like those between Germany and the US? If so, let there be war.

Ukrainians are both Slavic. In fact they are both East Slavic. They probably have loan words from each other. Obviously, since the only language that is probably closer to Russian than Ukrainian is Belorussian, so I can see why there has to be war.

Some interesting facts.


Since 1992, the constitution of the Fifth Republic states that French is the official language of the Republic. However, Alsatian, along with other regional languages, is recognized by the French government in the official list of languages of France. France is a signatory to the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages but has never ratified the law and has not given regional languages the support that would be required by the charter.

Alsatian is close to Swabian which almost no one speaks anymore, since High German from north Germany is the official German language. However, if you speak the Swabian dialect, you can understand Alsatian.


The Frantsishak Skaryna Belarusian Language Society has reported about the following categories of violations against the rights of Belarusian speakers in Belarus:[43]

The right to receive public and private services in the Belarusian language;
The right to access legislation in the Belarusian language;
The right to receive education in the Belarusian language;
The right to an equitable presence of the Belarusian language in the media;
The right to receive full oral and written information in the Belarusian language on the products and services proposed by commercial companies.


Russia should go to the UN over minority rights. It is bigger than a two-fer , three-fer or ... China will not support Moscow on this endeavor. Russia has been at this for 7 years or more. If they were worried about minority rights, I think they could have accomplished their purported aims (language & culture) going through the UN by this time no matter how worthless and slow the UN is.

Language and culture are the pretext to wage aggressive war or grey war against former Soviet Republics to reconstitute the Russians empire.

Anonymous said...

Putin wants Lebesraum for the Russian people?

Or Ukrainians are like Romanians.

A Russian official called Romanians mongrels. Does that make them, Romanians or Ukrainians, subhuman and allow the Hitler final solution?

Anonymous said...

Erradicate all Slavs and Stanis....problem solved. Problems elsewhere remain though easily erradicated too. Crusading willpower is all it takes. Perhaps.