Friday, December 10, 2021

Is America In 2021 "Unrecognizable"?


RCP: Brian Williams Quits TV: America In 2021 Is "Unrecognizable" 

Longtime NBC News broadcaster Brian Williams issued a strange warning Thursday as he retired from his 11 p.m. MSNBC show. 

"The reality is though, I will wake up tomorrow in the America of the year 2021, a nation unrecognizable to those who came before us and fought to protect it, which is what you must do now," Williams said. "They’ve decided to burn it all down with us inside. That should scare you to no end as much as it scares an aging volunteer fireman."  

BRIAN WILLIAMS, NBC NEWS: Well, look at the time. I’ll try to keep this brief. After 28 years of peacock logos on much of what I own, it is my choice now to jump without a net into the great unknown. 

As I do for the first time in my 62 years, my biggest worry is for my country. The truth is, I’m not a liberal or a conservative. I’m an institutionalist. I believe in this place. And in my love of my country, I yield to no one.  

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WNU Editor: The U.S. is not the only country that is now unrecognizable. I live in Canada, and this country is not the country that I first saw and experienced when I immigrated here 30 years ago.


Anonymous said...

Astonishing. I'm speechless ... what is there to say?

Anonymous said...

And all because of a virus that was co created by the people who tell you you need to give up all your rights and property, of and they're also the ones behind the great reset

Just at what point do the trials start? I will spoil myself with cake and other junk food to watch these murderous, treasonous cabal hang

There also the ones who started prior wars and have enslaved much of humanity for oh so long

It's the great reset vs the great awakening

Are you ready for your next shot, or do you rather watch them getting a shot themselves, after being put in front of a wall?

Your choice, my friends

Anonymous said...

Inside Brian Williams’ scandals including Iraq helicopter crash lie as anchor QUITS gig at MSNBC and NBC after 28 years

Williams is a liar like every other MSM anchor. Everyone.

Adam said...

It's not yet in my opinion but it's definitely changed for the worse and is continuing. There are still Plenty of good people, things and traditions in this great country. I wish I knew where things will go.

Anonymous said...

gon fishing

Anonymous said...

lost my soul o God help me know

Anonymous said...

take my hand

Anonymous said...

Related to what's going on
Latest Alex Jones

Anonymous said...

JFC these comments are insufferable.

Hey, hyperbolic dipshits, there are kids are your front lawn, better go yell at 'em.

Anonymous said...

These comments! Do you not realize what he is saying about being an institutionalist? Remember what you cunts did on January 6? We won't forget - this man was talking about you.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats are devils and must be exorcized from the nation if we are to survive.

Anonymous said...

Well well, we haven't forgot either friend.

Citizen Paine said...

Capitol attack panel obtains PowerPoint that set out plan for Trump to stage coup

Source: The evidence about Trump allies’ dark scheme to overthrow democracy is piling up –

Source: Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis lashes out after Politico exposes her plans to block Biden’s election win –

Source: Someone Is Lying About Why It Took So Long for the National Guard to Deploy on January 6 – The Bulwark

Source: Gaetz, Bannon Say Shock Troops Should Take Control If Trump Wins in 2024