Thursday, December 9, 2021

Israeli Warplanes To Launch Mahor Exercises This Spring That Will Simulate A Major Attack On Iran

Israeli fighter jets performing an aerial show at a graduation ceremony at the Hatzerim Air Base in the Negev desert, December 26, 2018. (Aharon Krohn/ Flash90/ File)  

Times Of Israel: Israel to launch major exercise this spring simulating strike on Iran  

Dozens of planes to participate in the drill, which is due to take place over the Mediterranean 

The Israel Defense Forces will hold a large-scale exercise over the Mediterranean in the spring with dozens of aircraft simulating a strike against Iran’s nuclear program, the military confirmed Thursday. 

The plan comes as Israeli officials have stepped up their rhetoric against the Islamic Republic, including threatening to take unilateral action against Tehran. 

According to a Wednesday report by the Kan public broadcaster, which was confirmed by the IDF the following morning, the drill will be one of the largest ever held by the Israeli Air Force and will include dozens of aircraft, including the F-15, F-35, and F-16 fighters, Gulfstream G550 spy planes, and refueling jets.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Israeli warplanes prepare for simulated attack on Iran as nation's defence chiefs meet with US to plan 'worst-case scenario' destruction of Tehran's nuclear facilities (Daily Mail)  

Update #2: Israeli army to hold drill simulating attack on Iran (Middle East Monitor)  

WNU Editor: It looks like the tempo is speeding up for a new major war in the Middle East.


Anonymous said...

"It looks like the tempo is speeding up for a new major war in the Middle East."

Miss Trump yet? There were no new wars.

Would Britain have done better in WW1 at the start, if they had not been acculturated to so many small colo9nial or Burhs wars from the Victorian era. They were geared for such small wars. Did it affect their mindset? The colonial empire was ran in a shoestring of a budget. The army was likewise organized?

The US has engaged in spec op heavy small wars with a permissive environment in the air. Similar to the Victoria British Army?

Switching gears would it have been better to present a solid front to Iran? An Even pull? Democrat or Republican administration would it have been better to keep full sanctions on Iran and not get rid of them every time there is a Democrat in power. Obama never gave much lip service to the Persian Spring. Why give encouragement to the Arab Spring, but not the Persian Spring?

Nukes? The Saudis already have them. So why fuck with the Saudis, but not the Iranians?

Much better to have a solid 10 or 20 years of sanctions toppling a government than to engage in war. But Obama has a soft spot for the Ayatollahs. The people in the West Wing are mostly Obama alums. Pudding brains is not running things. It is Obama III.

Anonymous said...


I concur with your comment about the obamma years and his feelings toward the muz-lumz. He wasn't even clever enough to hide his bias if indeed he ever tried.

Anonymous said...

"Miss Trump yet? There were no new wars"

Don't miss him one bit; way to lower the bar right down to the ground!

Who got us out of the Afghan debacle?

Wasn't Trump.

Also, Israel, as always, will talk a lot of trash, draw silly cartoon bombs, and ultimately do nothing.

Anonymous said...

There is a difference between an orderly retrograde movement and a pell mell retreat. Biden did the latter.

We know why Trump did not get all the results he promised.

Deep State Diplomat Lied To Trump About Syria On Behalf Of Military-Industrial Complex