Friday, December 10, 2021

Pakistani Taliban Declares End To One Month Ceasefire


CNN: Pakistani Taliban declares end to ceasefire 

Islamabad, PakistanTaliban militants in Pakistan declared an end to a month-long ceasefire arranged with the aid of the Afghan Taliban, accusing the government of breaching terms including a prisoner release agreement and the formation of negotiating committees. 

The Pakistani Taliban, or Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), are a separate movement from the Afghan Taliban and have fought for years to overthrow the government in Islamabad and rule with their own brand of Islamic Sharia law. 

Last month's ceasefire, which was always set to run until Thursday with the possibility of extending if both parties agreed, was the latest in a series of attempts to broker a settlement to end a conflict that has killed thousands.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Taliban got what they wanted .... Pakistan Frees Jailed Taliban Militants As Part Of Truce Deal (RFE). 

 Pakistani Taliban Declares End To One Month Ceasefire  

Pakistani Taliban won't extend ceasefire with government -- AP  

Pakistani Taliban declare end to month-long ceasefire with government -- The Guardian/Reuters  

Militant Alliance Says It Will Not Extend Truce With Pakistan -- VOA 

Pakistani Taliban ends ceasefire, future of peace talks uncertain -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

Pakistan created the Taliban to install a puppet or at least compliant government in Kabul. This is blowback. Fuck our purported allies.

Anonymous said...

"...our purported allies". Let the pakkis sink in their own sewer.

Anonymous said...

Many people have nukes, so ...

Also, when you includes natural or cyber viruses r attacks, many countries can play and they could have the same effects as nukes, so you have to give up or just kick ass and take names.

Jeffsmith said...

Sounds like a nice month long rest.