Thursday, March 3, 2022

President Biden And Ukraine President Zelensky Discuss Russia's Attack On The Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Plant In Late-Night Call

Daily Mail: Biden and Zelensky discuss Russia's attack on the Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant in late-night call 

* Europe's largest nuclear plant, 350 miles south of Kyiv, was being shelled by Russian forces in the early hours of Friday morning 

* Joe Biden and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodomyr Zelensky, spoke by phone late on Thursday night in DC to discuss the situation 

* Ukraine's foreign minister desperately appealed to the Russians to end the shelling, saying firefighting crews were unable to access the site 

* The International Atomic Energy Agency demanded the fighting stop, but said they had not seen evidence of radiation levels rising 

President Joe Biden spoke to his Ukrainian counterpart Volodomyr Zelensky on Thursday night to discuss Russia's shelling of Europe's largest nuclear power plant. 

The White House was monitoring the situation, officials said, without providing details of the call. 

'POTUS spoke with President Zelenskyy this evening to receive an update on the fire at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant,' the White House tweeted.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The White House called President Zelensky to find out what is happening. Incidences like the possibility of another Chernobyl certainly wakes up everyone.

Update: Zero Hedge has a good thread on this story .... Fire At Ukrainian Nuke Plant Contained; Lindsey Graham Calls For Putin Assassination (Zero Hedge) 


Anonymous said...

Is Biden bulking up? Is Bezos slipping Joe some of his drugs? Biden has some guns on him. Fluid retention brought on by drugs?

Anonymous said...

Could Russia be sending a message to Germany that having nuclear power plants is dangerous and that Germany is better off staying dependent on Russian natural gas?

Anonymous said...


Worth consideration.

If it is that kind of bullying, then you have to look them in the eye and bully them right back.