Thursday, March 3, 2022

Is U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris Still The 'Point Person' On Ukraine?


WNU Editor: In the above video Tucker Carlson is brutal in his assessment on Vice President Harris's handling of the Ukraine file before the Russian invasion, and justifiably so. 

But the shocking horror of it all is that she is going to being sent back to Europe to consult with U.S. allies on what to do next .... White House weighs sending VP Harris to Poland, Romania as Ukraine war rages (NYPost).


RussInSoCal said...

Kamala Harris is the person we need right now to do the things that she's been doing. Things that have needed doing for as long as things have needed to be done.

And the time to do those things is right now.


Anonymous said...

Vice President Harris:

“Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine so basically, that’s wrong.”

Sending Harris to Europe. What could go wrong?

Anonymous said...

“Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine so basically, that’s wrong.”

Anonymous said...

I have already read about this, foreign aid has become the latest method to launder tax dollars, because the recipients of the U. S. State Department’s largess do not have to provide an accounting of how they spent it. So, the Obama State Department sends a billion dollars to Ukraine, the government employees skim off their share and pass the rest on to the oligarchs who skim off their share and pass the remainder onto the industries said oligarchs control, such as Burisma, who pay all the required bribes to stay in operation, such as a direct payment of $83,000/mo. to Hunter Biden, and that’s how “business” is done in Washington D. C., one hand washes the other and everyone (politicians and bureaucrats, at least, screw the taxpayer) goes home happy. Politicians of both parties were doing it, and that’s how we got Trump, who was a breath of fresh air, certainly, but unable or unwilling to even begin to clean out the Aegean Stables.

Anonymous said...

She would be a good replacement for Michael Scott and Dunder Mifflin...

Unknown said...

We're doomed. Doomed I tell ye!!!! Keep ducking 🙈

Anonymous said...

Women scare me.

That's why I live in a bunker.

With Russ.

Anonymous said...

Biden bad. Harris bad. Obama bad. Trump good. Tucker good. Rush good. Hunter bad. Rudy good.
Gen Grant bad. Gen Lee good. Dems bad. Gop good.

Anonymous said...

Vicky Nuland good...very good...

Anonymous said...

After scanning two of the four blogposts newer than this one I thought, picture of Tucker Carlson will trigger the brainless 9:48.

Does 9:48 have a poll, which shows GOP voters hate General Grant?

They do not, but they run their mouth anyway.

Anonymous said...

""American studies have shown that you might expect to get about 55 to $60,000 a year if you are serving on a board of a company about Burisma's size," he said. "By contrast, the Burisma board pay was $80,000 a month.""

Anonymous said...

Did someone graduate from REGURGITATING the conventions of poetry to writing a complete COUPLET?