Thursday, March 3, 2022

Odessa Prepares For A Russian Military Assault


New York Times: In Odessa, Ukrainians build defenses and wait for attacks 

ODESSA, Ukraine—Sparks fly day and night at the railyard of Odessa’s tram authority, where men in coveralls are slicing up old steel rails and welding them into barricades called “hedgehogs” to stop Russian tanks. 

Not far away, the area around the city’s elegant baroque opera house looks like a set from a World War II movie, with chest-high stacks of sandbags and troops in green uniforms. 

And a food hall downtown catering to hipsters has been turned into a warehouse for a range of provisions — food, clothing and medicine for the troops.  

Read more ....  

Update: Estonian Cargo Ship Sinks After Possible Mine Strike Near Odessa (Maritime Executive)  

WNU Editor: I know the coastal region around Odessa very well. As regular readers of this blog know, I once thought of buying a home along the coast near Odessa as a place to retire and/or stay during summer. 

The geography is perfect for an amphibious landing, and I would not be surprised if a landing is conducted in the coming days. Odessa is a strategic prize for Moscow. 

I have a good friend in Odessa, but I have not been able to contact him or his family since the start of the war.

Update #2: Two Widely Disparate Battlefield Narratives Emerge In Ukraine's South, Where Odessa Is "Bracing" (Zero Hedge)

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