Thursday, June 2, 2022

Is Ukraine Losing 500 Soldiers A Day?

Moon Over Alabama: Ukraine Bits: Casualty Numbers, Kampfgruppen, Territorial Defense Forces 

Over the last month I had come to the conclusion that the Ukraine is losing about 500 men per day due to intense Russian artillery fire. That number may have been too low.

 I had mentioned high Ukrainian casualty rates due to Russian artillery fire on April 25:  

The nearly 1,000 artillery missions in the last 24 hours and on the days before speak of intense preparations for upcoming attacks by Russian mechanized forces. Over all artillery will do the most damage to the Ukrainian troops. In World War II and other modern mechanized wars some 65% of all casualties were caused by artillery strikes. The recent rate on the Ukrainian side will likely be higher. 

I revisited that on May 5: The Russian military forces are grinding down Ukrainian ground forces by extensive use of heavy artillery. The Ukrainian artillery has been destroyed or lacks ammunition.The Ukrainian forces have orders to stay in their position and to hold the line. That only makes sure that Russian artillery strikes will destroy them. 

The order was given because the 'west' has pushed the Ukrainian president to not make peace with Russia. The consequence will be the assured destruction of the Ukrainian military.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Ukraine President Zelensky says the Ukraine military is losing 60 - 100 soldiers a day. I have my doubts. Consider how much chaos there is in the country right now, my gut tells me that no one really knows how many soldiers are being killed each day.

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