Thursday, June 2, 2022

Russia Holds Nuclear Drills

Moscow said Yars launchers - capable of firing nuclear missile at virtually any country - practiced 'dispersing', which would be the first move at the outbreak of nuclear war  

Newsweek: Russia Holds Nuclear Drills as Biden Sends Rockets to Ukraine 

Russia is holding nuclear drills in the Ivanovo province, northeast of Mosco, Russian sources reported. 

Interfax, an independent Russian news agency, cited the Russian Ministry of Defense as confirming the drills were being held by nuclear forces on Russian soil. 

According to Interfax, some 1,000 servicemen are involved in the drills which Reuters described as "intense maneuvers" using more than 100 vehicles including Yars intercontinental ballistic missile launchers. 

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Russia Holds Nuclear Drills  

Russia launches fresh nuclear drills as Germany joins the US in sending advanced weapon systems to Ukraine -- Daily Mail  

Russia's nuclear forces are running drills after Biden pledged more advanced rocket systems for Ukraine -- Business Insider  

Russia holding nuclear drills after Biden sends rockets to Ukraine -- NYPost  

Russia stages nuclear drills after US announces rockets to Ukraine -- FOX News  

Russian forces hold drills with nuclear-capable missiles -- Axios

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