Monday, October 17, 2022

Why Canada's Military Is Failing To Meet Its Recruitment Goals

Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre, pictured in Ottawa on May 30, says the military is facing a significant shortage in personnel. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press) 

CBC: Defence chief calls on Canadians to rally behind military during personnel crisis 

Country's military has about 10,000 open positions it's struggling to fill 

The commander of the Canadian Armed Forces is calling on the country to rally behind its military as it faces an unprecedented personnel crisis that he says is threatening its ability to protect and defend Canada. 

"We're here to defend our way of life, now and into the future," Gen. Wayne Eyre, chief of the defence staff, said. 

"So we need a whole-of-society effort to help us bring the Armed Forces back to where it needs to be for the dangerous world ahead." 

The extraordinary appeal comes as Eyre and his subordinates are struggling to fill about 10,000 empty positions at a time when Canada's military is facing a growing number of threats and requests for help at home and abroad.  

Read more ....  

Update: Armed Forces admit there's no one left to use its rusted out gear (National Post).  

WNU Editor: When the priority of the military and its political masters is this, you will have a recruitment problem .... Canada's Military Allows Skirts, Facial Tattoos And Hair Colouring For Soldiers (Republic World). 

What also does not help is when you have senior officers telling Armed Forces members they could contact Habitat for Humanity if they needed help finding housing .... More than 4K Canadian Forces members, families still waiting for military housing (Global News). 

And then there is this (see below):

Hat tip to Small Dead Animals for the above links.

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