Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Total U.S. Funding War In Ukraine To Reach $91.3 Billion With New Request

WNU Editor: This does not include all the aid that Ukraine is receiving from the EU, Canada, and other Western countries. 

I would just like to know if anyone is tracking this money and military aid, and if anyone is being held accountable for it? My gut is telling me that everyone is turning a blind eye to it all.


Anonymous said...

Vast majority doesn't even go to Ukraine. It gets set aside to put in orders for weapons to be manufactured in 2024-2025+

AKA you can consider it Taiwan military assistance by that point.

Anonymous said...

You betcha no one is monitoring this.

And that is white money going out.

It does not even touch the Black budgets which are significant in their own right.

Anonymous said...

Ukrainians are killing more russian invaders than the Afghan Army killed Pakistani backed terrorists.

2,000+ fascist tanks turned to scrap

150+ helicopters turned to scrap


Very cost effective

Anonymous said...

Exactly as I am thinking, If russia is to destroy infras, Ukraine to drain russias military.

Think of a known powerful Russia has to start realignment of military equipment production, they were exposed by Ukraine. Russia no longer super power. Even their arm personnels were exposed having low morals that seems cannot perform a critical task in an event of a mahor conflict specially with a super power.

Anonymous said...

No not cost effective at all. Every dollar spent on defense is one less dollar you have to grow your economy.

Take money to buy a tank or jet fighter. That item contributes nothing to the economy. Use that same money to build a tractor or bull dozer. That item goes on to build other things or products.

You are 10T in debt are you going to pay it back?

Anonymous said...

These commenters are ghouls--don't expect much.
War is a Racket

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry

31T in debt.....good luck with that and when your done don't forget you +120T in unfunded liabilities.

Anonymous said...

+120T in unfunded liabilities.'

You can wave a wand and those go away.

Anonymous said...

The wand in question? WW3. Hmm really makes ya wonder why the State Dept is so hungry for it.