Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Ukraine Has Reclaimed More Than 50 Per Cent Of The Territory It Had Lost Since The Beginning Of The War

Daily Mail: Ukraine has now reclaimed more than HALF the territory Russia had captured since war began 

* Report claims Ukraine retook more than 50 per cent of territory seized by Russia 

* Kyiv's counterattacks steadily pushed back Russian forces in recent months 

* Roughly 18 percent of Ukraine's territory is currently occupied by Russian troops 

* But Putin's soldiers have been driven out of Kherson, as well as Kharkiv oblast 

Ukraine has reclaimed more than 50 per cent of the territory it had lost since the beginning of the war to Russian troops, a new report has claimed. 

Within a week of Vladimir Putin ordering his tanks to roll across the Ukrainian border on February 24, Russian armed convoys had paraded into north eastern Ukraine and had pulled up mere miles from the outskirts of Kyiv. 

There they remained while Russian troops flooded into the south, rumbling through the Zaporizhzhia region and into Kherson where they seized the eponymous city on the Dnieper river.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The above article illustrates how different Western military doctrine is when compared to Russian military doctrine. The West is focused on capturing and holding onto territory. The Russian military has a different focus, and that focus is to destroy the enemy's military. 

Today's Russian military is not the Soviet military. In doctrine, acceptable casualties, and strategy to achieve military goals and objectives, today's Russian military is following a different path from its Soviet predecessors.

The Chechen wars are a perfect illustration of Russian military doctrine in action. We in the West forget that at the beginning of the Chechen war Russia was driven out of Grozny and much of Chechnya. That they did not stop them. They regrouped, prepared their forces, and launch attacks focused on destroying the enemy. And once Chechen forces were destroyed, the rest of the country fell to the Russian invading forces. 

This is why I am losing sleep with what I believe will soon be happening in Ukraine. 

At the start of the war Russia committed about 20% of its forces to the conflict in the hope that it would force Kyiv to negotiate. That was a complete failure and disaster. 

Today, I now see Russia committing approximately 70% of its forces to the Ukraine war, backed-up with an additional 320,000 reservists. In short .... I see 750,000 Russian military personnel being prepared to launch the biggest military campaign in Europe since the Second World War, of which almost 300,000 will be fresh ground combat troops. 

On the Ukraine side I see the opposite. I see an exhausted military that has lost most of its original trained NATO army. Ukraine's military is now made up of dedicated and committed reservists and volunteers. And while they have performed with honor and with great heroism, that is not enough to face what will soon be coming. 

Even top US General Milley is seeing the obvious. As a military man he sees the need to freeze the conflict because the other option will in the end only spell mass casualties and destruction for Ukraine's military, and for the country as a whole .... Ukranian Officials Furious Over Gen. Mark Milley's Comments On The Need For Peace Talks (November 16, 2022).


Anonymous said...

major concern trolling by WNU

Anonymous said...

In other news there may be a jihad attack in LA

Anonymous said...

If you are right, this will be epic.Who will prevail? We will see. One thing is certain there will be blood. There are historical events that change everything. If the Russians do a major 100% push this will be one of them.

fazman said...

Hes in denial of facts on the ground

fazman said...

300k ill trained poorly equipped and led bozos. The nato trained army is alive and well who does wnu think has been taking every Russian gain back ?

Anonymous said...

Well Mr. Fazman

The problem is that no one really knows, do they? Who do we believe ?

Yes you could send links of info that says Russians weak... ukie strong.

And I am sure that the WNU editor could send you links that say Ukies weak.... Russians strong.

A lot of us come here, because the the editor does a good job of displaying a variety of issues and information. His comments are balanced in the sense he does not hesitate to say he is not sure or he does not know. Where some of the commentators on this site act as if the information is infallible. Which, of course we all know is bullshit.

I would hope you are not using western intelligence and media as your sole source. These are the guys saying the Russians are spent.

Because these were the same guys who told us Gaddaffi was giving his guys viagra, Hunters lap top was phoney and we are winning in Afghanistan and the list goes on and on. Personally I do not believe anything they say.

Anyway in the intel community the catch phrase is always " time will tell" and "we shall see"

We see into the glass only darkly.

fazman said...

You might want to explain that doctrine to the Republican guard , destroying and dismantling troops and equipment is what U.S does far better than Russia or anyone else

Anonymous said...

We have heard this speech before form WNU about 3 or 4 months ago

= "The Russian military has a different focus, "
= All the new soldiers coming due to press gangs, prison release, ...


1) The Russians have had problems kitting out.
2) Logistics have been a big problem for Russia. Even Pay has been a big problem. Putin is sending people into combat and he has problems paying them. Is Ukraine blowing pay offices in Russia?

If too many people are pulled from the east or the Stans, violence will break out in the stans. Russia can always come back and squelch it.

Xi could always invade. The Japanese could have invaded during WW2. They didn't and Russia transferred 50 divisions form the far east. I give Xi a very low chance of invading. maybe 1 in 1,000. Very low. So it is probably safe pulling troops from the east.

3) What tanks are the Russians going to use. They lost 1.2 their tanks and those were the good ones. the ones in mothballs are hangar queens.

WNU mentions the Chechen War. Well right there is a BOLD FACED lie. There were two Chechen Wars numero uno e numero segundo.

During the 1st war (1994-1996) the the Russians got their ass kicked but good. The good Muslims in Chechnya could not leave things alone and they invaded Russia. One such example is the Beslan school massacre. The Russians invaded again and had a go slow approach. It ground the enemy down and prevented Russian troops from being ambushed and massacred. They also eventually flipped Kadyrov's clan ad let them dig the other jihadis out. Also after the war officially ended the FSB spent a couple more years assassinating leaders.

All in all it took Russia 6 or more years to subdue a much smaller country, which was not adjacent to a NATO country.

I don't know what is going to happen. It looks worrisome. I do know that WNU does lot of chest thumping.

Anonymous said...

"Yes you could send links of info that says Russians weak"

Fire your TESOL instructor. Hell, fire your Russian grammar instructor too.

Anonymous said...

It does not seem to be so much as chest thumping as a view point analysis based on the facts he's has.

He also questions these facts and you do not see him saying "Yes the Russians will win." OR " The Ukies are corrupt oppressors and will loose. "

No its more like here is what I am being told and if it is true it is going to be a blood bath.

It comes down to what you see and who you believe.

Are you absolutely right? Would you bet your life and are you prepared to bet your families lives that the facts you are being told are really the ground truth?

I know I"m not.

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 4:12
I said Chechen wars, not Chechen war as you are claiming.
Read my commentary.

In past posts I have gone to great detail in explaining the Chechen wars, and how it took 10 years of fighting to finally end it.

Anonymous said...

"The Chechen wars are a perfect illustration of Russian military doctrine in action. We in the West forget that at the beginning of the Chechen war Russia was driven out of Grozny and much of ..."

I am under the impression that Chechnya would be independent but for two things. First, the Chechnya broke the peace after the conclusion of the 1st war. There is no way the Kremlin could let that continue without becoming a rump state, Second due to grit or pigheadedness, Putin would not let it stand, whereas many other Russian politicians would have let it stand.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that too. too denial, self consolation

Anonymous said...

Was that the reason? During that time, It was said that the Russians considered Chechnya a rogue muslim state. They looked at it as a disease capable of spreading so it had to be stamped out.


Anonymous said...

I have no thoughts. on the advice of my attorney, I will have a cup of coffee

Anonymous said...

Good idea, just poured one.

As for Fasman. I'm not going to disagree with the way we destroyed the republican guard. helped that... got the shirt.

Those Idiots used static positions and did not have control of the air. A sure way to die on the modern battlefield. And die they did.

Anonymous said...

I wonder were he gets his info from. Because like the prior poster said a lot of the MSM is Bs. Pure and simple.

Remember those MSM jerks saying that Isis is not threat then about a month later the head choppers took over 1/2 of Iraq?

The ex general commentators and that whole lot saying we were winning in Afganistan. The same goons also said the drug war war succeeding.

These guys lie more than Lucifer.

So how in the world can they be trusted to give an honest assessment of who is weak or strong in this new war.

Anonymous said...

ha ha "please refer to my past comments on this subject"

Anonymous said...

ha ha

Anonymous said...

You fellows might consider patronizing a different web log if you find our Editor so very lacking

Anonymous said...

wisely uttered

Anonymous said...

totally agree these guys are jokers

Anonymous said...

oops I thought it was those jokers, not you WNU. You're the only one I really want to hear pontificate here.